Perfect Sense

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Richard of York: The Executive Branch
Having some fun with the warm-up act
If that's what it takes to say, "good night"
Then that's what it takes
A four-figure sum on a hotel notepad
A revelation or your money back
That's what it takes to say, "good night"
Sometimes, I wrap my head around it all
And it makes perfect sense
Keep reminding me that it ain't a race
When my invincible streak turns onto the final straight
If that's what it takes to say, "good night"
Then that's what it takes


Richard dari York: Cabang Eksekutif
Richard of York: The Executive Branch

Bersenang-senang dengan tindakan pemanasan
Having some fun with the warm-up act

Jika itu yang diperlukan untuk mengatakan, "selamat malam"
If that's what it takes to say, "good night"

Maka itulah yang diperlukan
Then that's what it takes

Jumlah empat digit di buku catatan hotel
A four-figure sum on a hotel notepad

Wahyu atau uang Anda kembali
A revelation or your money back

Itulah yang diperlukan untuk mengatakan, "selamat malam"
That's what it takes to say, "good night"

Terkadang, aku memikirkan semua itu
Sometimes, I wrap my head around it all

Dan itu sangat masuk akal
And it makes perfect sense

Terus ingatkan saya bahwa ini bukan perlombaan
Keep reminding me that it ain't a race

Saat pukulan tak terkalahkan saya berubah menjadi pukulan lurus terakhir
When my invincible streak turns onto the final straight

Jika itu yang diperlukan untuk mengatakan, "selamat malam"
If that's what it takes to say, "good night"

Maka itulah yang diperlukan
Then that's what it takes

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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