Do Me a Favour

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Well, the morning was complete
Where there was tears on the steering wheel, dripping on the seat
Several hours or several weeks
I'd have the cheek to say they're equally as bleak

It's the beginning of the end
The car went up the hill and disappeared around the bend
Ask anyone, they'll tell you
That it's these times that it tends
To start to break in half, to start to fall apart
Hold on to your heart

And do me a favor and break my nose
Or do me a favor and tell me to go away
Or do me a favor and stop asking questions

Well, she walked away while her shoes were untied
When the eyes were all red
You could see that we'd cried
And I watched, and I waited 'til she was inside
Forcing a smile and waving goodbye

Curiosity becomes a heavy load
Too heavy to hold, too heavy to hold
Curiosity becomes a heavy load
Too heavy to hold, will force you to be cold

And do me a favor, and ask, if you need some help
She said, do me a favor, and stop flattering yourself
And to tear apart the ties that bind
Perhaps "fuck off" might be too kind
Perhaps "fuck off" might be too kind


Nah, pagi hari sudah selesai
Well, the morning was complete

Dimana ada sobekan di setir, menetes di jok
Where there was tears on the steering wheel, dripping on the seat

Beberapa jam atau beberapa minggu
Several hours or several weeks

Saya berani mengatakan bahwa mereka sama suramnya
I'd have the cheek to say they're equally as bleak

Ini adalah awal dari akhir
It's the beginning of the end

Mobil itu naik ke atas bukit dan menghilang di tikungan
The car went up the hill and disappeared around the bend

Tanyakan siapa pun, mereka akan memberi tahu Anda
Ask anyone, they'll tell you

Bahwa pada saat inilah hal itu cenderung terjadi
That it's these times that it tends

Untuk mulai terpecah menjadi dua, mulai berantakan
To start to break in half, to start to fall apart

Pegang hatimu
Hold on to your heart

Dan bantu aku dan patahkan hidungku
And do me a favor and break my nose

Atau bantu aku dan suruh aku pergi
Or do me a favor and tell me to go away

Atau bantu saya dan berhenti bertanya
Or do me a favor and stop asking questions

Yah, dia berjalan pergi sementara ikatan sepatunya dilepas
Well, she walked away while her shoes were untied

Saat matanya merah semua
When the eyes were all red

Anda dapat melihat bahwa kami menangis
You could see that we'd cried

Dan saya memperhatikan, dan saya menunggu sampai dia ada di dalam
And I watched, and I waited 'til she was inside

Memaksakan senyum dan melambaikan tangan
Forcing a smile and waving goodbyeRasa ingin tahu menjadi beban yang berat
Curiosity becomes a heavy load

Terlalu berat untuk dipegang, terlalu berat untuk dipegang
Too heavy to hold, too heavy to hold

Rasa ingin tahu menjadi beban yang berat
Curiosity becomes a heavy load

Terlalu berat untuk dipegang, akan memaksa Anda kedinginan
Too heavy to hold, will force you to be coldDan bantu saya, dan tanyakan, apakah Anda memerlukan bantuan
And do me a favor, and ask, if you need some help

Dia berkata, bantu aku, dan berhentilah menyanjung dirimu sendiri
She said, do me a favor, and stop flattering yourself

Dan untuk merobek ikatan yang mengikat
And to tear apart the ties that bind

Mungkin "persetan" mungkin terlalu baik
Perhaps "fuck off" might be too kind

Mungkin "persetan" mungkin terlalu baik
Perhaps "fuck off" might be too kind

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