That's Where You're Wrong

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A pussyfooting setting sun
Make a wish that weighs a tonne
There are no handles for you to hold
And no understanding where it goes

Jealously in Technicolor
Fear by name, love by numbers
Streetlamp amber, wanderlust
Powder in a blunderbuss

She looks as if she's blowing a kiss at me
And suddenly the sky is a scissor
Sitting on the floor with a tambourine
Crushing up a bundle of love
Don't take it so personally
You're not the only one
That time has got it in for, honey
That's where you're wrong

All the old flames fastened on
Make a wish that weighs a tonne
There are no handles you can hold
And no understanding where it goes

She looks as if she's blowing a kiss at me
And suddenly the sky is a scissor
Sitting on the floor with a tambourine
Crushing up a bundle of love
Don't take it so personally
You're not the only one
That time has got it in for honey
That's where you're wrong

That's where you're wrong
That's where you're wrong


Matahari terbenam yang menakjubkan
A pussyfooting setting sun

Buatlah permohonan yang beratnya satu ton
Make a wish that weighs a tonne

Tidak ada pegangan untuk Anda pegang
There are no handles for you to hold

Dan tidak ada pemahaman kemana perginya
And no understanding where it goes

Cemburu dalam Technicolor
Jealously in Technicolor

Takut dengan nama, cinta dengan angka
Fear by name, love by numbers

Lampu jalan berwarna kuning, nafsu berkelana
Streetlamp amber, wanderlust

Bubuk dalam blunderbuss
Powder in a blunderbuss

Dia tampak seperti sedang menciumku
She looks as if she's blowing a kiss at me

Dan tiba-tiba langit seperti gunting
And suddenly the sky is a scissor

Duduk di lantai dengan rebana
Sitting on the floor with a tambourine

Menghancurkan seikat cinta
Crushing up a bundle of love

Jangan tersinggung
Don't take it so personally

Kamu bukanlah satu - satunya
You're not the only one

Waktu sudah tiba, sayang
That time has got it in for, honey

Di situlah Anda salah
That's where you're wrong

Semua api lama menyala
All the old flames fastened on

Buatlah permohonan yang beratnya satu ton
Make a wish that weighs a tonne

Tidak ada pegangan yang bisa Anda pegang
There are no handles you can hold

Dan tidak ada pemahaman kemana perginya
And no understanding where it goes

Dia tampak seperti sedang menciumku
She looks as if she's blowing a kiss at me

Dan tiba-tiba langit seperti gunting
And suddenly the sky is a scissor

Duduk di lantai dengan rebana
Sitting on the floor with a tambourine

Menghancurkan seikat cinta
Crushing up a bundle of love

Jangan tersinggung
Don't take it so personally

Kamu bukanlah satu - satunya
You're not the only one

Waktu itu sudah tepat untuk sayang
That time has got it in for honey

Di situlah Anda salah
That's where you're wrong

Di situlah Anda salah
That's where you're wrong

Di situlah Anda salah
That's where you're wrong

Arctic MonkeysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang