Chapter 31 | "Me wanting to kiss you"

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Author's Note: A new chapter because I am really sad. I paid for an event (where you stay the whole night at school and do fun activities) and my parents aren't letting me go.

Ugh, I hate my life.

Hopefully this chapter cheers me up!!


Jameson Cooper was in my room. Jameson Cooper was in my room! I couldn't believe it, but there he was, running his hand down every cheer trophy I won throughout my life. There are a handful of figure skating on there as well and he smiles when he finds those ones. He picks one up, one that was bigger than his forearm, and turns to me with a giant grin.

I'm leaning against my desk, suddenly shying away. I should have put on another layer when I got his text  today but I didn't. I was in my sleeping shorts and a large shirt. Jameson had texted me thirty minutes ago if he could come over because his dad was starting to get angry downstairs. I had replied back with an of course and here he was, twenty minutes later.

"You were a figure skater, flower?", Jameson asks not noticing the way I'm squirming in my spot. I don't think having a boy— one that you were apprently friends with— in your room was good. I nod reluctantly and he chuckles. "I'd pay to see you do that again."

"Yeah, how much?", I ask him leaving my spot beside my desk. My dad was downstairs cooking dinner and he had said that Jameson could join us. Jameson looks down at me, his eyes traveling down my outfit and lingering on my legs. He seemed to like my legs and I had a sudden fantasy of wrapping them around his torso. I needed help.

And yet, here I was flirting with him. He brings his eyes back up only to glance away from me and I find that he is suddenly uncomfortable. Not the uncomfortable one normally gets, but uncomfortable in the way color was rising from his neck. He was feeling the same way as me.

"A lot of money", he whispers and then adds,"Good thing about having a rich father was the money."

I frown at the sudden dig he threw in there. Jameson was hurt by both of his parents and he didn't hesistate to make a joke out of them. It hurt to hear him joke about something that hurt him. I knew that he was hurting and he was using his light jokes to play it off.

"It's okay", Jameson whispers. "He didn't hurt me again."

"Promise?", I ask him. He nods, his hair falling into his eyes. I bite my bottom lip and reach up to brush it away. His breath catches when my hand brushes his face and I find myself smiling at that. I liked being the reason he was breathless even for a millisecond. My hand travels down from his head and down to the nape of his neck. I slide it to the side until my hands catch the necklace he was wearing.

"When do you take it off, sweetheart?", I ask him, slipping it out from under his shirt. I pull away to look at him and he says,"Only in the shower."

"Why do you keep it on?", I ask him, even though I'm already smiling.

"You gave me it", he whispers to me, his breath light on my face. "I'm keeping it on until it breaks off."

"I'll buy you another one, then", I say with a smile. My hand is still under the chain of the necklace, my face only a feet away from his. He looks up at my eyes and then very slowly, I see his eyes drop to my lips. This wasn't like the time I caught him staring at my lips at the cabin. In this one, I could see that he really wanted to kiss me. He was leaning towards me very slowly. I place a hand on his chest and say,"Jameson, are you going to—?

There is a knock on my door and that makes me drop my hold on Jameson and plant my feet to the ground. I turn around to find my dad standing in the doorway with a hand on his hip. "You look funny, dad", I say to him and he shakes his head at me. I shake my head back at him and start to walk toward him.

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