Chapter 30 | "Acts like wanting to rape a girl in a cabin"

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"The key to profiling a person is to use everything you know and start drafting ideas", Jameson says to the class when we have One's Ignored again next week. We were working on finding enough information in order for the FBI to look for the guy in their system. The pieces of hair found on the cabin floor may of been seen as something big, but without anything to cross reference it to, they were just that— pieces of hair.

Not enough evidence to do anything more about it. So, the members and I were now going to be working together to find the person. Jameson walks over to the chalkboard and turns to us. "So who has anything they would like to throw out there?"

I raise my hand and his eyes do not hesitate to turn to me. I'm flattered in my seat and can't help but inaudibly giggle. I lean back in my chair and say, "The hair was just graying, the person could not be older than fifty years old."

"Age range?"

I look past Jameson and at the black board behind him. "Thirty-five through fifty." Jameson nods and starts to write that on the board, his hand moving fast and the sound of the chalkboard rapidly rising. After he is done, he turns back and says, "We could list his physical characteristics but one of the things that work best is to go deep into the personal life of the person."

"We know that he has a fascination of seeing girls struggle, could he have grown up around it?", Darius speaks up and the answer satisfies Jameson. He writes down something really quickly and pulls back. I read what he just wrote: Abusive background/ sexual trafficking.

"The assumption seems like a big one", Jameson says, "But it is not far fetched. Criminals tend to experience something traumatic in their past and  they never get over it. They just grow up to reciprocate those acts."

"Acts like wanting to rape a girl in a cabin", a new voice says from the doorway of the room and everyone's head turns around to it. A few people start murmuring to each other, their eyes widened and disbelief on their face. Their reactions are nothing like mine, there are tears brimming at the back of my eyes at the person who is standing at the doorway, their hands crossed across their chest and a smile on their face.

I jump out of my seat and toward the person, my heart beating out of my chest. "No way", I whisper when my hands wrap around the arms of one of the people I have been closest to. My friend, Kennedy, sighs in my ear and it reminds me of one of the first times we had started talking. The both of us were paired together for a project and  we had both sighed dramatically when we saw the directions — long list of directions. Then we had both turned to each other because we were in sync and that was the first time we shared a laugh together.

"What are you doing here?", the questions comes from Kennedy and I pull away but keep a hand on her elbow. "I'm a part of this group, a part of One's Ignored."

"Why are you here?", a voice says close to my ear and I turn around to find that Jameson was standing over my shoulder. I move back and he stays firmly behind me. Kennedy's mouth falls and she whispers, "Your hot man."

"Ken, not the time", I hiss back at her because my mind was still filled with the reasons she could be here. I knew it in my heart but it was another feeling knowing I'm going to hear it from herself.

"What's your name?", Jameson asks moving away from me but not before brushing his hand across my back. The feeling tingles. Jameson has a softer look on his face but he still is the one asking the questions, he still needs to use authority.

Kennedy glances at me and then forward Jameson before grabbing my hand and leading us out of the door. "Ivory?", Jameson calls out as soon as I'm being dragged. I turn my head to him and shout back, "Give us one minute." Jameson sighs, but then turns towards the chalkboard again.

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