Chapter 29 | "You know the signs by how?"

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Jameson said that he wants to be friends and I think that the both of us are bad at that title. After we get off the bus, Jameson had placed a gentle hand on my face and said goodbye. I knew that I didn't do that with my friends. I don't comment on it though and call him back.

"Yeah?", he asks turning around and I find that his eyes move down to my outfit. Jameson may never say it, but I had a feeling he liked seeing me in my cheer uniform. I smile once his eyes come back to my face. "You're not wearing pink", I say to him. He shrugs and I laugh before pulling off the necklace I was wearing. It was a silver chain with pink pendant in the middle. I didn't have much pink on me to give him, but this would do.

"Turn around", I whisper to him and he does. I laugh when I meet his shoulder and not quite his neck. "Crouch down you beanstalk", I say with a laugh and I hear his chuckling before he does what I say. Once I can reach him without trouble, I slip the necklace around his neck and clasp it in place. He smiles once he turns back to me but not compared to mine. He looked so cute with a- my- necklace around his neck.

I reach up and touch it and while I do, I say ,"You can go back now."

"And if I want to stay?", he whispers placing a hand on my waist and I bite my bottom lip, pulling away. "You're very bad at this friend thing, Jamie." He was constantly trying to touch me, his hand gentle and yet there. It didn't matter how light his hand was, I could feel him. He retracts his hand and tucks it into his pocket. "Sorry", he whispers and I nod.

We don't talk about why we want to stay friends anymore, well I want to ask, but I had a feeling I already knew. Jameson had already taken a large step letting me see his back and I had a feeling me touching him was too much for him to bare. I remember the way he turned around the night I followed him in his tent. He hadn't liked- maybe he did- but he hadn't wanted it. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable.

He shakes his head and then says, "I'll see you out there?"

"With a pom- pom in my hand", I say back doing a jazz hand and he smiles lightly at that. Was it weird that I thought all his smiles were directed at me- for me? I watch him leave with a smile on my face.

The rest of the cheer team find me by the front entrance of the our opponents school and they tell me that it's time. It was time to go out and cheer about a football team I didn't care about. Our team was good, I'll give them that, but they lacked common sense in some areas. I didn't like the way they treated people at times but I guess that was out of my control.

At the times I'm not actively cheering for our team, I find Jameson in the stands and sit with him. He doesn't say much but I know he enjoys my company. I know that by the way he tries to sneak glances at me. Whenever he does, I smile at him and my eyes zero in on the necklace he wore. It made me kind of giddy inside, like my necklace being around his neck was something that showed he was mine.

Which, he wasn't mine. Stupid friendship title but in a way he was. We didn't want to jump into a relationship but that didn't mean we didn't like each other. I knew he did because he had given me pink flowers which he said meant that we had a thing going on.

I liked whatever small thing that was going on between the both of us. It was both innocent and pure, maybe everything I needed now.


Jameson offers to drive me home after the game. It is past twelve a.m. and I say yes because I don't want to wake my dad up. I think he is already at home awake but I don't need him to drive here and pick me up if Jameson could drive me. I'm not admitting anything, but well- I am- I'm stalling in order to spend more time with Jameson.

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