Chapter 3 | she goes looking for attention? WHORE

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I leave the clasroom with a last wink at him while he looks away from me with what I think was an eye roll. I'm not sure though because I was too busy laughing as I did so. I walk out of the school and in the back field where we had cheer practice today.

I'm surprised to find Stella walking in late with Blake's hand around her waist while she was pulling down the hem of her t-shirt. I wanted to throw up the content I had for lunch today; this was torture. I hated this, hated everything about it. But I smiled as she made her way to us, her hair in a high ponytail. I had forgotten to put my hair up in one and I'm reaching for my hair tie that I always keep on my wrist when she stops me.

"Don't bother", she says and I look up at her. She had a few good inches on me, making me seem shorter than I am. I am around 5"5 so I'm  not that short. "My hair is only up because Blake put it up after getting tired of holding it", she says and a few girls giggle at that. I chuckle as well even though I wanted to rip my hair out. Girls who just hooked up with Blake never care about if I'd hear about it or not.

"Okay", I reply my voice flat of any emotions. I had mastered that as well. She gives me a huge smile, her lipstick was smeared all around her mouth, and turns to the girls. "We have our first ever game next week. And today is Wednesday so we need to get the rountine down."

"We already have", a girl in the back ways but I don't bother turning around to find who it was. Her comment was going to be talked down anways. Here we go. Stella turns her eyes sharp behind me and says,"Wow, isn't that great? Do you want to maybe teach the class?"

"No", the girl squeaks out and I try not to cringe at that. The thing about being scolded by the head cheerleader was that you didn't show any emotion. You would smile even if you were getting body shamed— happened way often than not.

"Right", I add because this is where I am supposed to speak up. As part of the captain title as well. "If we want to show out, make our boys proud but as well as win us something, we need to be the best. And only ever that."

A couple of girls cheer loudly at that and I laugh as well even though I couldn't care less about it. I didn't care about how many trophies we would take home this season. The fun of cheering was one thing I had lost last year and I don't think I would get it back. If I got it back, would I want it? I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure if cheerleading was my calling anymore.

Practice starts once the coach arrives and by the end of it my hair is starting to curl at the ends and I am in desperate need of a shower. I walk into the lockeroom and grab my stuff before hightailing it out of the school. I walk toward the front foor of the building and wait for my dad there. We only had one car and even though I had my license he was the one who ever used the car. I only ever went the school and came back home anyway.

What is it about noticing someone once and then finding them everywhere you turn? Because as I walk to the front steps of the building to wait, I find the guy from my class walking out with the blonde girl. Jameson, that's his name. He doesn't want me to call him that but I'll continue to do so. He blushed when I made a nickname for it so...

I was walking a dangerous line here:  flirting with a guy who on his own has never said a word to me. But I guess because of that that, I continue to talk to him.

"Jamie", I shout his name as soon as I find him walking toward me to get to what I would presume to be his car. His eyes move away from the blonde girl's and toward me in which there isn't anything there on his face for me to read. Practice ran later than usual today so it was around 4:30 now. "What are you still doing here?", I ask him and dust off the bottom of my skirt and walk toward him.

He doesn't answer and so I settle my eyes on the girl in front of him. Her shoulders slump in a way that shows discomfort but Jameson's hand squeezes it once and she picks it up. A smile makes its way to her face and she turns to me. She smiles harder when she says,"James said you thought I was pretty."

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