Chapter 14 | "Is this an intervention?"

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When I enter the club meeting later that day, I'm met with Jameson stands by the door inside for me. I smile at him because I've never had a guy wait at the door for me to arrive and that made me instantly smile. Seeing Jameson stand there with a soft smile on his face made me happy. I liked that he was warming up to me.

"Hey, sweetheart", I say with a teasing manner in my voice. "Waiting for me?"

"Bring her over", I hear a loud voice command and look away from Jameson and to the former FBI agent that was supposed to be leading this club. Though I think that Jameson is more of a leader. Jameson lets me walk forward until he is walking beside me and I could feel him. Is that wierd? I can feel his body heat and he wasn't even that close to me.

I stand in front of Agent Hopper's desk and Jameson stands beside me now. I glance at the look on the both men's face and narrow my eyes on the younger one. "Is this an intervention?", I ask him with a frown. To think that I thought Jameson was waiting for me to show up from the goodness of his own heart. "Not that dramatic", Jameson murmurs and I keep my eyes narrowed at him.

"Miss Ivy", I hear Agent Hoppers voice and turn to him. I take a seat in front of his desk. He has his lips pulled in a tight smile when I look at him and he pulls his hands together. "What happened last Thursday?"

Oh, that's what that was about. I was embarassed, I still haven't gotten over the fact that I left this classroom crying last week. I twirl a piece of my lock on my finger and say, "Um, I left this classroom crying?"

"Yes, we saw that", he says and I want to hide away again. Maybe make a run for it like I did last week, the open door seems tempting. "Why?", he asks continuing the conversation and making me pull away from the door. I was really going to make a run for it.

"Well", I say and look down at the pants I was wearing today. I had picked out creme colored pants to match my pink crewneck perfectly; I thought I did a good job. I trace a circle on my thigh and look up at the man who had asked me that question. "The case was hard to listen to", I say to him at last and he lets out a breath— one that says that he understands me.

"I'm being very transparent here, Ivy", he says and I know what he is about to say isn't going to be good. You never start off your sentence with that if you aren't intending to make an opposing claim. "If you can't listen to this case, how are you able to talk about it?"

That makes me clam my mouth shout and I look at Jameson, who has a causal hand on the back of my chair, his body heat once again on mine. He catches my eye and I look up to find that he just gives me a nod. Right, this is something I have to do on my own. I fold my legs over his other and place my hands in between each leg.

"I cried because of how awful the case was", in more ways that one, but I wasn't sharing that with them. "But", I say looking up to meet his eyes. "After hearing that, I wasn't thinking 'oh let me get out of this club', I was thinking more on the lines of 'let me stay to help the victims'. Hearing about it was hard, very hard, but I want to be apart of a reason a girl finds peace."

So maybe I can find peace.

Agent hopper stares at me for a very long time and I feel embarrassed sitting in front of him. I'm about to look away when he claps his hand together and says, "Perfect. Great."

"Okay", I say standing up from my chair. "Ivy?", he asks me when I start to turn around. I look back at him and he says,"If it gets hard for you at any time, you leave okay? Walk out of this room, take a walk—"

"Lay down at an open field", the guy beside me supplies, interrupting Agent Hopper but I smile at him. He remembered why I went there in the first place and he knows it would bring me peace, at least for a little while.

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