Chapter 12 | "You know I don't chase, Ivy"

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I walk over to the couch where Blake is sitting, almost tripping over my own feet. The alcohol was rushing to my head now, my body lightweight making me want to fall. I place a hand in the pocket of Jameson's jacket as I reach Blake and say, "Hi."

"My favorite girl", he responds with a large smile at me, one I would've swooned at.

"I wanted to talk to you", I say to him before he could go on and on about how much of his favorite person I was. I'm about to take a seat on the couch when his hand goes around my waist and pulls me into his lap. I squeal at the sudden feeling, my hand at his neck and I hold onto him.

"Who's jacket is this, baby?", he whispers, his hand now pushing away at the material of the jacket and onto my bare skin.

"Um", I say and he raises an eyebrow at me. "I was cold, a friend gave me it", that wasn't a lie. Jameson and I were nowhere near friends but that was the closest title for our relationship. His hand goes on top of my shoulder and he slowly drops it off of my shoulder. I'm confused as he takes it off of my arm and uses his hands to completely have it off of me. He throws it onto the couch we were sitting on and asks,"A guy?"

"Yes", I answer and watch his eyes darken, the once light blue color a shade darker. He looks over my shoulder and to what I assume to find Jameson but I know he wouldn't find him. Jameson left as soon as I told him I was going to talk to Blake. He turns to me and says,"You can't see other guys."

"I'm not seeing him", I defend and he shakes his head. "You're mine", he says, his hand encircling my hip now. I place a hand on his chest and say,"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are", he says smiling down at me now. I start to move off of his lap but he doesn't let me.

"I'm not yours", I say to him, forcing the words out of my mouth. "You can have anyone else, I'm done."

"I want you", he murmurs in my ear, his lips meeting the tender skin on it. I feel goosebumps go through me but I don't enjoy it. I can't. The alcohol I drank is making my head pound right about now and his touch on me didn't feel welcoming anymore.

"You want other girls", I tell him and he doesn't have the decency to shake his head. I push him off of me and say,"If you want them, go get them. I won't be in your way." I swing my leg off of his and stand up fully. Crouching down, I pick up the jacket but I can't stand up because he has put his hand around my waist again.

"Are you breaking up with me?", he whispers, his breath on my face, hot and full of alcohol like me.

"Yes", I answer and the answer makes my headache get worse. It was hard to break up with him, but I had to. I didn't want to chase after him anymore.

"For him", he says, his hand grabbing for the jacket now. "You're breaking up with me for him", he says and throws the jacket on the floor, the throw probably making it go to the kitchen. I cringe and he says,"You can't break up with me."

"You treat me like shit", I yell at him, using my power to stand up straight again. His face contorts into confusion and I want to scoff at that. "You tell me let's go to a party together but then you ditch me and come with another girl."

"She found me first!", he shouts and I just look at him.

"You wanted her to look for you", I say and he shakes his head. "And even if she did find you first, if you wanted me you would've come after me."

"You know I don't chase, Ivy", he says with a slow smile and I place my hand on my waist in response. I was mad at him, mad at him for possessing more power than me. Mad at myself for letting him for all these years.

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