Drawing sides (Civil War)

Start from the beginning

"You fear that... if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don't worry." Zemo says as he gets a message on his phone.

"status: package delivered."

"We only have to talk about one." Zemo tells him with a small smile.


At the power station the custodian opens the crate. Finding Zemo's large device inside, he looks confused. The driver is at the back door of his van.

"Hey, was ist das? (Hey. What is this?)" The custodian asks confused.

"Ich weiß es nicht. (I don't know.)" The driver replies.

The device erupts and a wave of energy engulfs the power station making sparks fly. The blast knocks the power out of the city lights. More importantly it knocks the power out in the U.N. Bunker.


"Great. Come on, guys, get me eyes on Barnes. Go." Ross tells them.

"FRIDAY, get me the source of that outage." Tony says.

"Sub-level 5, east wing." Sharon tells Steve and Sam.

T'Challa spots Steve and Sam leaving so he leaves as well.


"What the hell is this?" Bucky asks looking around.

"Why don't we discuss your home? Not Romania. Certainly not Brooklyn, no. I mean, your real home."Zemo says as he removes his glasses then walks towards Bucky reading from the red book by torchlight.

"Желание. (Longing.)"

"No!" Bucky lets out as he shuts his eyes.

"Ржавый. (Rusted.)"

"Stop!" Bucky yells as he twitches.

"Семнадцать. (Seventeen.)"

"Stop." Bucky says as his metal arm twitches and he sneers angrily.

"Рассвет. (Daybreak.)"

Bucky screams, clenches his fist and rips free of his restraints.

"Печь. (Furnace.)

Девять. (Nine.)"

Bucky thumps the inside of the pod.

"Добросердечный. (Benign.)"

Bucky punches harder.

"Возвращение на Родину. (Homecoming.)

Один. (One.)

Грузовой вагон. (Freight car.)"

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