He looks over into the corner and again, saw something there. His heart hammered and he ran over to try and get the thing out but he hand struck the wall and was gone, he shook his head as he tried to calm himself down. It's probably nothing- the twins look up and BloodMoon asked with a mouth full of sandwich "why'd you attack Fate?" they ask and Sun's head snapped towards them.

Moon's diary entries flashed through his head and he asked "what?" they look at him and shrug "dunno, you just charged her!"  Sun yelped "HER?! What are you talking about?!" the twins jumped and looked confused "don't you see her often? She's nice!" Sun was very shaken now, he remembered a couple months ago where they were staring at a ant and the Moon burst in yelling about a entity.

They said it was a black being.

"No, I don't see her!" he said and they had a 'huh' face. Has this thing been around the BloodMoon twins for almost a year?! And he didn't know?! This was every dads worst nightmare, wait no every parents worst nightmare. They say "uh, she's nice" they said and Sun stared blankly at them "nice?" he asked. He hoped to god this thing wasn't some kind of sick predator, "yeah!" they said.

The diary entries were still flashing in his head. "Is that so...?" he asked, he wasn't sure which one was the good one, Fate or Star? Moon had showed Fate as a bad person in the diary entries but Star had clearly showed signs of manipulation. "Yeah!" BloodMoon said nomming the sandwich with his twin. 

Sun felt a shiver go down his spine, the idea of the twins hanging out with this being and him not knowing about it was terrifying. "Sunshine's-" he said and was cut off by them saying "you don't need to be scared of her! She's very nice and caring!" but how did they know it wasn't a act?

His trust issues and concerns were really kicking in now, he knew Moon wasn't right in the head when he wrote the diary entries but still, they were all he knew about this...Fate. 

"Fate please appear!" they said "you gotta meet our dad already! Plus, he already saw you! Why weren't you invisible?"  a few moments pass and Sun screamed loudly when a black being popped in the middle of the room beside him, he screamed more and grabbed the twins and held them close and threw a book at it, it was all he could think of doing in the situation. Before the being could react, it got hit in the head with a book. 

It made a hissing sound and said in a soft voice "seriously?! Uncalled for! I didn't even have time to say hippo before you launched a book at my head!" the soft voice was obviously raised and annoyed by this fact. Sun huddled in a corner clutching the twins closer and more protectively "BACK OFF!" he screamed.

He was terrified out of his mind and the twins struggled their hands out of his arms so they could eat the sandwich. Wow. 

The being sighs "ow, I have no idea why my reaction time was so bad there, hi Sun" IT KNOWS MY NAME! HELP HELP! Sun practically screamed mentally as his heart thumped faster and faster, yeah his trauma could not take this. 

The being seemed to notice this and said softly while putting it's whispy hands up "hey, I mean no harm!" they were almost made of this black fog yet it seemed physical at the same time. It was really weird, it looked at him with one giant white eye, it seemed incapable of closing like a snake so it's pupil seemed to be one of it's only ways of facial expression. 

Sun watched the being closely, he didn't trust it. It knew his name, how did it know his name?! Sun was now really agitated by how sound proof these walls were, no doors open, no one can hear anything. His screams could not be heard if this being attacked, the only reason why Moon's static attacked everyone outside was because the door was open.

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