It's been 2 months and there was no sign of Tom waking up. I'm so scared he never will.

I'm bow 6 months pregnant. Things are getting difficult to do.

I didn't break my promise though I promised to talk to him everyday.

I pulled into the parking lot for my daily talk with Tom.

" I miss Georgia how are we today?"

" we're great." We weren't we were just ok.

I decided not to find out the gender. I want to be surprised and I also didn't want to do it without Tom.

I walked into his room. He was the same just laying there.

" hi Tom. We're here."

I talked to him for what felt like hours.

I always hold his hand during our conversations.

It's been about an hour and I was about to get ready to head home.

Then I felt something. He grabbed my hand.

"Tom? Are you waking up.?"

His eyes slowly opened. He smiled at me.

" oh Tom you're awake!" I gave him the biggest kiss.

I pressed the button to ring the nurse. She ran in with panic on her face.

" he's awake!"

" I'll go ring his family!" She smiled and gave me a hug she's become my friend here.

" you're pregnant?"

" Tom it's yours I was pregnant before anything happened but I had no idea."

He scooted over to give me room in his bed. We laid together and he would rub my belly and talk to it.

I heard a bunch of loud running footsteps. It was our family.

" Tom you're awake!" Bill ran over and gave him a hug. Everyone gave hugs and we all sat there talking and catching up.

The nurse then came in.

" Tom if you can answer a few questions and physical tests then we can release you."

We helped stabilize him since he hasn't walked in 2 months.

We all sat in the room waiting to see if he can go home.

" he's all yours now." The nurse said smiling at all of us.

We all got in the car and headed to our current home here in Italy.

" I'm happy you're home Tom."

" me too."

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