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Georgias pov: it's officially been three months here. Thankfully I have a trash can here in my room. I haven't been feeling great and throwing up.

My dad gave me a little more food now. I don't know why but it's probably because I have become nearly bones.

Toms pov:
We arrived in Italy.

" here's the plan we all have plenty of guns I don't care what you do but if you see the tattoo or anyone that looks dangerous shoot. She's in there she needs us."

We parked and his the car. I slowly approached the front door. I saw a big man standing there.
" who are you?" He asked.

" I'm your worst nightmare mother fucker!" Bill shot him between the eyes.

Bill was hidden the man had no idea he was even there.

We all filed in and I heard screaming. We all looked at each other's that Georgias scream.
" let's go"

" excuse me what are you doing here and who are you?"

" I came to get what's mine."

" and what exactly is yours?"

" Georgia the girl you have been torturing for 3 months!"

The man grabbed a knife. He got my arm but I was stronger. I took the knife from his hand and shoved it into his throat.

I heard gunshots. I then saw 5 bodies on the ground.

It was non of my group. All men.

" good job"

More screaming. My heart broke for her.

She doesn't deserve this. We headed in every room to eke I ate anyone that could follow us.

A man charged at George with a knife. We all trained we've got this. The man was going for George's throat but missed he only got his shoulder.

" go to her Tom we've got this."bill said putting his hand on my shoulder.
I nodded my head and walked to the screams.

Miss pov: we've been here for a while now we killed everyone. Thankfully the cut on George wasn't deep.

We stood there waiting for Tom. He should be out by now.

We heard screams and a bunch of gunshots. I ran to the room.

" Mia come here now!" Bill yelled at me.

" they need us can't you see that he can't do everything by himself."

We all went to the door.

Bill knocked the door down.

The sight was scary. Georgia was standing with a gun in her hand. There was only one body in there. And it was a dead body.

" Georgia!" I ran and gave her a hug but she quickly moved away.

They broke her. They broke Georgia.

" where's Tom?" Bill asked her.

She pointed at the room next to ours. Bill and the boys ran to the room. I sat down and looked at Georgia.

" Georgia you did it you killed him."
She just looked at me and blinked. There's no emotion behind her eyes.

Bill ran in

" he's hurt. Mia we need to go to the hospital now!"

When I walked in Tom was laying in a pool of blood. Oh god what happened. Bill grabbed his body.

" come on Georgia we're going to the hospital." She slowly followed behind us.

" she's broken bill. She won't talk or accept any form of touch."

He looked behind him and looked at her.

" I don't know when but we will have her back one day."

We finally arrived at the hospital and asked for assistance for both Tom and Georgia.

Georgias pov: I'm happy they are here but I wish I was just dead right now. I don't think I'll ever be the same.

" ok Georgia I'm going to examine you and make sure you're ok." I just nodded. Eveytime I had to move my body for them to get a look at something it hurt.

Finally she did an ultrasound on my stomach. Since I was fed so little she wanted to see if everything was ok in there.

" I suggest you eat more because you have a 4 month old baby in there that needs its mom." I looked at her. I'm shocked. If the baby is 4 months old than that means it's toms. I was only there for 3.

We had sex a month before anything happened.

She let me go and I headed to the waiting room.

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