Toms pov:  daisy has been here a month now. I love her so much.

I went upstairs and started going through Georgias stuff. I do this to remember her.

I found a book.

" bill come here!"

" what is it?"

" Georgia had a book. She wrote songs bill and on this page says ,if these are ever found I want someone to sing them, bill she wrote songs!"

We called the boys over and we started putting her words to music.

" I also wrote a song I would really like to make and perform." I said

I played them the song I wrote.

" I wrote it the day after we had a celebration for  her."

" it's beautiful Tom please make this song. For her." Said Mia

" I'll do anything for her."

Georgias pov: it's been a year. I've been away from them for a year. Everyday gets harder. I think about them all the time. 

Dad let me take the car and I drove to the store. I turned the radio on.

" we're Tokio hotel we wrote this song for a person dear to our heart."

My heart skipped a beat. They wrote a song about me. They really think I'm dead.  I need to move faster in this plan. I need to see them.

Bills pov: we released the song Tom wrote. It's done really well. Right now I'm watching daisy since Mia needed to grab some things from the store.

" you're the most perfect baby. How did we get so lucky to have you my gorgeous girl!"

She's the best baby.

It's been a year without Georgia tomorrow. It's going to be a really hard day. 

We want to do something special for her. Toms not the same and I really need him back.

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