Georgia pov:  I woke up in an unfamiliar place. When I tried to move I realized I was chained up to the wall. I was hoping this was just another dream.

It's not a dream. This is my life now. After last time I know they won't let me leave.

" oh good you're awake. You thought you could escape like last time? You're stuck with us forever now. You're never getting out. You're useless, pathetic, weak. You will never amount to anything. You're here to be used. That's all you're decent at. You will respect us."

I received a slap after every insult. I closed my eyes. I imagined all of the happy times I had. I'm in a forest. I'm with Tom, bill, Mia, daisy, gustav, and George. They're all smiling at me.

They're happy. We're all happy. " come join us georgia.." it was Tom. He's such an angel. Daisy is looking at me with a big smile.

I pick her up and we all are swimming.

It was beautiful.

" open your eyes and listen to us!"

" we have someone we want you to meet." Said my dad.

When I looked up it was the guy from last night.

" this is your brother. His name is max. He has been very good to us. When we had him we could not afford to raise a child so we gave him up. As he got older he found us. We took him in with loving arms. You will respect him."

I looked up at him In fear. This is not how a family is suppose to act. You're suppose to love each other.  Respect each other. I was raised by monsters.

There's was no way out I'm to weak to fight back. I thought I was strong but I was so wrong.

" max take her to her room she needs to shower and get ready for dinner we have important guests coming over."

" yes sir."
He picked me up aggressively and in chained me. I could hardly feel my ankles the chains were so tight.

" go!"
He shoved me in my room. No windows, no bed, No doorknob  to use when I wanted out. I'm trapped. I will die here.

All I have is a blanket. I had no strength to get up for a shower. I fell down the door and cried. Tom and I were planning a wedding. It was to take place in a year. We had a future planned. Now it's all gone.

Toms pov: I woke up shaking. The nightmares are back. But this time it's different. She's trapped and alive but I have no way of getting to her.

" Tom are you ok?" Bill ran in concerned.

" she's gone and I don't know how to find her! Bill we were happy. Every time I'm happy it gets stripped away from me. I don't deserve to be happy."

Bill embraced me in a hug and cried.

" sad". Daisy came in and looked up at me.

I picked her up and put her in my lap. She picked my lip.

" why sad?"

" I lost someone very dear to me and I don't know how to get them back my little flower."

" sorry" she laid her head on my chest and put her little arms on my neck.

" I wuv you"

" I love you more."

She gave me a sloppy baby kiss.

Everyone came into my room with looks of concern.

" we're going to get her back. I don't know how. I don't know when. But we will find her. I will kill any and everyone involved. I don't care what happens to me but we will get her back." I said this looking at them with no emotion

" thank you for loving her Tom. She's strong we will get her back." Mia hugged me and we all sat there thinking of what to do.

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