Georgias pov: after last night I started thinking. I'm not happy with my past but all we can do is start over. This was out last day here x I woke up early to go for a walk to clear my head.

We passed this certain trail on the bus when we first came and I really wanted to explore it.

When I got there I began my walk. I had my music playing taking in everything around me.

I had been out here a while and decided I should head home so no one got nervous that I was gone. I was halfway back to the hotel when I felt two arms around my waist.

" don't scream. Don't put up a fight. If you do the dread head and all of his friends die."

I stayed silent. My chest moved up and down fast from fear. My life wasn't worth theirs. They don't deserve to die. I and blindfolded and put in the back of a van.

We finally came to a stop and they gave me something to knock me out. All I saw was blackness.

Unknowns pov: stage it correctly I want these pictures perfect. We have to make them believe this.

Toms pov: I woke up to buzzes coming from my phone.
" Tom did you see the text?!" Bill ran in yelling.

" no I just woke up."

I immediately opened my phone to see what was so urgent. It's pictures. It's her body laying on the ground with blood. Another picture of our hotel building. The top to be exact.

" she jumped? She killed herself? I thought she was ok she was so happy yesterday!"
I couldn't breath my body shut down. I couldn't get words out.

Mia walked in confused " what's the commotion all about?"

" Mia did you get a text from an unknown number?" Said bill

" yea but I haven't opened it. I just woke up."

" sit down Mia"

" you're making me scared bill. And what's up with Tom?"

I can't get words to come out I'm to schooled.

" George! Gustav! Get in here now!"

" what's up bill?"asked gustav

" sit"

" this morning Tom, Mia and I all received a text from unknown numbers. Mia jumped off the rooftop of our hotel. She killed herself. We don't know why. There was no notes or signs. I don't know what we are going to do. There is no body to be able to hold a funeral. After we process this we will celebrate her life how she wanted."

Everyone is sitting there with shock on their faces. We all loved Georgia. She made us whole. I was in a pit before she came. I didn't think I deserved love but she showed me I deserved it. She was selfless.

" we need to tell management we are taking a break from the tour we need time to heal. After we heal we will try to finish. We only have 2 shows left anyway." Said George.

Everyone shook their heads in agreement.  Except Tom

" we will never heal! She was the only positive thing in this miserable life! I will never heal!"
I'm good at hiding my emotions but after I spoke I cried. Rocked back and forth.

" Tom." Mia said

Everyone put their arms around me and we all let it out. She was beautiful. Why did she do this.

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