Georgia pov: I sat on the bed with Tom trying to get the courage to tell him. " it's ok take your time"
" I had a sister. Her name was Mandy. When we were 14 our whole family took a trip. We were in a canoe. Mandy was with me in the same canoe. Everything was fine my parents loved me. The rapids came in and the canoe tipped over and caused Mandy to fall out. When she fell out she hit her head on a rock. I tried to get her back on the canoe but I couldn't find her body. The current was so bad." I started to struggle with my talking " my parents came to us asking where she was. I tried to tell them but they just yelled at me. We finally found her and she was unconscious. When paramedics came it was to late. My parents blamed me for everything said it was my fault. It could of easily been me, but it wasn't." After her funeral things toons turn my parents took up drinking. They stopped loving I got older the abuse started. They wouldn't let me eat hardly anything. When I was 13 my dad started hitting me or hurting me any way her could. But when I turned 14 that's when he started r@ing me. The first time I was asleep. If not asleep he would use medicine to put me to sleep. He didn't care though when I turned 16 he wanted me awake to experience the pain.I use to take dance when I was younger but after my sisters death they took me out. I was devastated. Mia's mom say this and signed me back up. It was an escape. It helped me be happy and she knew this. The abuse only stopped because I left. He's kicked me down the stairs, punched me in the face, kicked my stomach. The injury from the competition was from him as well. I thought about ending it all but something always happened. I wanted it all gone. The pain the thoughts in my head. Sometimes just feel something I cut myself. I'm getting better I blocked his number. I'm broken but I'm also fixable I just have to pick up my pieces and put them back together." I looked up at Tom he wasn't saying anything which concerned me a lot. " I'm sorry you did this alone. I wish I had known you sooner to take you away from this. You don't deserve it. I'm here when you feel down or alone call, text anything but don't do something you won't regret. I've been in the deep pits before but bill got me out of it. We're going to do anything to help you get out too." Said Tom " thank you I don't feel like explains this again so can you just tell them for me I can't face them right now I'm to embarrassed."
"Of course anything for you"   He kissed me on my forehead as I began to doze off.

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