Toms pov: I stared at the picture tying to find out who these men are. I found out they all had the same tattoo on their upper left arm.

" bill come here!"

Bill ran in with concern.

" look they all have the same tattoo on their right upper arm. It means something.   They are part of the same group.

"We have to find out what that sign means."

" you are so smart Tom! I'm getting Mia she'll want to hear this."

" bill said you discovered something?"

" yes they all have the same tattoo they are party of something. I don't know what but we are going to find out."

" oh Tom thank you. We all have our own skills. If we put them together we can figure this out. "

She gave me a hug and headed off for bed.

I felt a buzz come from my phone.

" I heard you got a new number don't worry we found out what it was." There was a picture attached to the text.

It was her and some other man. I'm not sure who it was but I noticed he also had the tattoo but his face wasn't covered. Bad decision.

My head was hurting so I closed my phone and laptop. I needed sleep.

When I work the next morning I asked for Mia.

" you need something?"

" who is this man in the picture? It was sent to me right after you went to bed."

" that's her dad Tom."

Her father was using her. I refused to cry. I don't even think I can anymore.

" Mia he has the same tattoo as the others.  They are all in this together."

" that dirty bastard he always seemed off to me when we were children. I want him dead."

Our only issue is that we don't know where this place is. There's no windows. That makes it difficult.

Georgias pov: they decided to be " generous" tonight and give me water and two pieces of bread. How lovely.

The abuse has stopped for the past two days. I wouldn't know what's going on though considering that I have no window or door knob.

I found something shiny under my bed. I don't know how it got here but I was so happy.  A razor.

I crave to feel the blade against my skin. I went across my arms. I went slow I wanted to feel the slow agonizing pain. When the arms weren't enough I went to my hips.

This was such a sweet relief. If I'm going to feel pain I want to be in control of it.

" you bitch!" I heard my mother is didn't know she had opened my door.

" how did you get this? Answer me."
I just pointed to under my bed.

" you don't get to inflict pain upon yourself. We do that!"

She pushed me hard against the floor. I didn't feel anything I just thought of happy thoughts. Tom

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