Georgias pov: I've been here for a week and I just am tired. I'm drained.

"Get up you bitch it's time." I walked downstairs. I cry every day.

I walked to the living room where everyone sat.

" you will respect us. You will call us by our names which as you know are mom and dad."

I thought escaped them but apparently I didn't.

" we are part of a very important family. We run a gang and now you are an important asset. Whatever we command of you or anyone else in this gang you will listen and obey."

I stared out the window. I wonder what Tom and my real family is doing right now. They probably think I ran away since I never returned.

I felt a hard slap on my face.

" we're speaking to you!" Screamed my mother.  I jumped at the force and turned to them. 

" we sent pictures to your little friends. They think you are dead and it will stay that way. You will never see them again."

They staged my death. Oh poor Tom. Poor bill, and Mia. Oh Mia the baby I hope they are ok. 

" you will start classes tomorrow. You will learn how to fight it's important that you fight for us. We are family after all." Said my mother.

I just gave her a blank stare. This isn't my family. Tom is. Tom is my home.

" go to your room and get some sleep for tomorrow." 

I thought of a plan. Hopefully it works in my favor. It will just take time.

Toms pov:

We are holding her celebration of life today. We went to the pond we first ever all spent time together.

She loved this place.

" come on Tom we have to go."

I came down the stairs in my best clothes I own.

Mia gave me a hug. " you're much stronger than you think you are. She loved you Tom we stayed up so many nights talking about you and bill. I'm so sorry."

I have barely said anything this past week. I have nightmares. I wake up screaming. Bill always runs in to comfort me.

When we arrived I got nervous. I want to say some words but I'm not very good at expressing them.

Even though none of us are very good at it we all painted special paintings for Georgia. She would have loved this.

It was now my turn to speak.

" I loved Georgia the first time I laid my eyes on her. She brought me love and joy I never thought I would experience. I didn't know I was capable of those feelings."

I had to stop and catch my breath.

" sh-she was kind. She was beautiful. Smart. Loving. And I'll never get that back! She will never run to me to give me a hug after my shows! She'll never tell me how much she loves me! I'll never hear her voice again. She's gone. She's really gone." 

I fell to my knees I never wanted to accept she was really gone but after I spoke it sunk in. She's really gone.

Miss pov: when Tom started speaking tears came to my eye. I rested my head on the back of bills chest. He was crying as well. He loved Georgia so much like we all did.

When Tom was done with his speech I ran to him. I embraced him with the biggest hug I could. Everyone else joined in. 

We all sat there and cried.

Once we collected ourselves we all put the painting we did and nailed them to all of the trees. It was so beautiful.

We finally got in the car. Bill rolled down all of the windows.

" Georgia and I would take these rides. She would always stick her body halfway out of the window and scream."

We all looked at him and gave him a smile.

" fuck this world! She was free goddamnit!" Tom kept screaming out of the window

We all began to hang out of the windows and scream. It really did feel good.

When we got home we all got on the couch and all fell asleep together.

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