Father Wen could actually go out, but he was really worried.

There is not much space to begin with, and they have always been kept in captivity, so there is not much room for movement. If someone is not careful, they will die in childbirth. So, wouldn’t the two years of raising them be in vain?

"It's okay, Dad, you're in space. If something really happens, my mother and I will go find my Uncle Tenghai and Uncle Zhong. These days are a critical period, so just watch. If nothing happens, it's really going to happen. Whatever happened, my mother and I came to the space. I am telling you this to let you know something."

In the end, Father Wen listened to his daughter and did not go out.

After Wen Nuan went out, he fed the little ones and stopped taking them for a walk. He just stayed at home. The mother and daughter also closed the door and didn't go anywhere.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the sun has completely set.

The temperature has been neither too high nor too low, but the days have become much longer.

Cheng Xiyan came here to look for warmth after the sun had set.

Wen's mother went to the kitchen to bring him fruit, while Cheng Xiyan and the two sat on the sofa and chatted.

"If we continue like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before the sun sets. It will always hang in the sky."

"The sun sets half an hour later than yesterday. At four o'clock this morning, the light of the sun woke me up."

Cheng Xiyan looked at the window frame with floral cloth and said, "There are still good windows at home. Can I get some for you and install them?"

"I told you not to do it, so don't worry about the ink stains. Just put the doors and windows in the space. There aren't many of them, and I don't have them in my space."

As soon as Wen Nuan's family repaired the cabin, Cheng Xiyan said that he had glass windows at home and would go back and bring some over, but Nuan Wen didn't ask for them. That's not a necessity, is it?

Besides, it’s not stable now. What if there was another natural disaster or accident and she wouldn't be able to take back the cabin in time? Isn't that window blind in vain?

Chapter 106 Extreme Day 2 (3/3)

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Now you can't make it even if you want to. You just need to use less. When it is completely stable, he will give it to her, then she will ask for it.

There has been a natural disaster for more than two years. How precious are some non-renewable materials, right? Save if you can.

Cheng Xiyan and Wen's mother said hello and took Wen Nuan, Xiao Hei and the others out for a walk. The two of them didn't go far, just hanging around.

Cheng Xiyan held Nuan Nuan's hand and walked slowly behind, "Nuan Nuan, I miss you. We haven't been together for a long time." After saying that, he bowed his body and pressed his head on Nuan Nuan's shoulder.

Nuan Nuan looked around and pushed him, "Hurry up and let others see it. How bad is it?"

After a pause, "It's no use thinking about me. I live with my parents and you live with your family. It's inconvenient."

Cheng Xiyan sighed depressedly, took a bite on the warm face, and continued to wander.

The two of them didn't stay outside too long, for fear of something unexpected happening, so they went back in the dark after walking the four little ones.

The next day, I should say it was four o'clock in the morning.

Nuan Wen only felt as if he had just slept for a short time, why was it dawning? I looked at the tablet and thought, Oh my god, this is probably going to be an hour-long night in a few days, right?

Let it be bright as long as it's bright, she's almost sleepy, so she needs to sleep. Turning over, Wen Nuan continued to fall asleep.

When she woke up again, Nuan Nuan had the illusion that she had slept for a year. When she looked at the time, it was 13:12 pm.

The sun is in the middle and doesn't move much. The mother and daughter didn't eat either, so they went to the space together with a few children.

Father Wen was picking fruits on the hillside. He packed the fruits into baskets and stored them in the warehouse.

The mother and daughter made little movement while walking, and Father Wen was very focused on what he was doing, "Dad, why don't you take a rest?"

Father Wen was picking apples when Wen Wen suddenly made a sound, which made him jump a little, "Oh my God, what's going on behind you two? You scared me..."

"Hahahahahaha..." Wen Nuan bent down and laughed, and Father Wen also laughed, "What a bastard is this."

A family of three can tidy up fruit trees on a hillside very quickly, finishing it in two hours.

"Why isn't this still raw?" Wen Nuan lay on the fence and looked in. The cows and horses had round bellies. There were carrots, Chinese cabbage, grass, and a few bad-looking pears in the troughs.

This food is better than what the survivors outside eat.

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