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Chapter 105 Extreme Day (1/3)

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From the founding of the Flower Planting Country to the present, there have been a total of eleven generals, all of whom have passed away. From then on, the Flower Planting Country no longer had the title of general.

Except for the boss, the next largest ones are generals, then lieutenant generals, major generals, and so on.

Xiang Xue asked Cheng Xiyan to take Nuan Nuan out for a walk, and they chatted at home.

Cheng Xiyan took Wen Nuan and the four little ones to wander around the yard.

Nuan said. : "You didn't tell me that your grandpa is the boss of our flower-growing country. I really thought that your family and grandpa's family were just closer."

Is her future mother-in-law the boss' biological daughter?

Wardtian~Cheng Xiyan has been so upright since he was a kid. It's not easy.

What if it were her? They all have to be like flying monkeys. No, the Sky Monkey has to explode.

"I'm just me. It doesn't matter whose grandson, grandson or son I am. What matters is who I am to you."

Nuan Nuan looked at Cheng Xiyan and thought to herself: To be honest, she would never dare to think about a man like this in peacetime. Because we are not worthy of others. What do you have at home? You only have a little money at most, but what kind of family do you have? If you want money, you have money, and if you want power, you have power. Don't say love trumps everything, that's unrealistic. Love cannot be used as bread. Sometimes it is really important to be a good match. It cannot be said that there are no exceptions, I can only say that there are too few.

The Wen family had lunch at Cheng Xiyan's house before heading back.

Wen Guoqiang and his wife were still excited when they returned home, and they were expected to have fun for a while.

Warm vanity is also extremely satisfying. Oh my god, the person she is looking for is a golden doll.

If this happened in the past, she would have posted it on WeChat Moments to show off. It’s no longer possible now. If you want to show off, no one will watch!


The house is built and the family is settled. Nothing happened, so Wen's mother told Wen's father to open a space in front of the house and grow some vegetables.

The weather is hot and plants are willing to grow. It is a pity that the land is wasted. When she went out for a walk, she saw that many people were growing vegetables and the like, and she thought about growing some too.

Father Wen originally planned to saw the remaining wooden boards into strips and use them to build a fence.

As soon as he heard that his wife wanted to plant vegetables, he dropped what he was doing and started to clean up the yard.

First break the cement pavement in the yard bit by bit with a hammer to expose the soil inside, and then turn it over to make ridges. The place is not big, only about twenty square meters.

Wenmu only grows potatoes and sweet potatoes, which mature quickly and can usually be dug in two to three months. They have high yields, are easy to store, and can survive hunger.

Chapter 105 Extreme Daytime (2/3)

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