c 86

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Chapter 86 Departure (1/3)

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"I don't think much about it. I can go anywhere. You two are with me. It doesn't matter to me. I can go anywhere."

Father Wen leaned on the bed and moved, "He wants to go home, so let's go. If we went astray, we must have gone astray. We just don't know where we are now."

"Then let everyone recuperate first. Your legs are not good either, and you have been struggling so much these past few days, so you need to recuperate. The others are almost done, so let's set off. Let's walk first, or stay here all the time. You’re so drifting that you don’t even know the route?”

The father and daughter had a long discussion in the bedroom.

The conclusion is that everyone should rest and recuperate, and then set off after the injury is healed.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three days, everyone recuperated, and Wen's father learned how to drive a yacht from Cheng Xiyan.

The warmth allowed him to recuperate, but he refused. In the end, Mother Wen came forward to pull him back. What to open?

Cheng Xiyan will, Mo Fang and Mo Yuan will also. Let’s teach Liu Yi and Liu Jie again. With so many idle people, how can he be so prominent? You can take good care of yourself, but it will only cause trouble for your daughter.

There is a compass in the cockpit of the yacht to guide you.

The weather is nice and the sun is shining, so you won’t get lost if you get lost. Since we are going to Tibetan areas, we can no longer just drift on the sea.

The Tibetan area is located in the south of the flower-growing country.

Because of the high altitude, the temperature there is lower all year round. The average altitude of any city is about two thousand meters.

If they are still floating in City C, they are about 4,000 kilometers away from the Tibetan area. The speed of a yacht is generally between 70 and 80 kilometers per hour. It will take three to five days to move forward at full speed.

If they have drifted somewhere else, it's hard to tell. The time is uncertain and the place is uncertain. Not counting any accidents that occurred along the way.

The seawater took five days to settle and was no longer so turbid.

Occasionally, scattered wooden boards or plastics can be seen floating on the sea. I don’t know where they came from. I don’t even know what happened to the survivors. Did they escape?

Under the parasol on the second floor, Wen Nuan lay on the sofa and fell asleep. There were two sounds of "plop, plop" in his ears. Wen Nuan didn't even open his eyes. He guessed that Xiaobai and Xiaohei went swimming. It's not like Kio. He's just being good, so he doesn't have to worry.

Cheng Xiyan opened the cockpit and wanted to start the generator to prepare for departure, but he heard two "pops", so he had to wait a little longer.

Chapter 86 Departure (2/3)

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During the past three days, while everyone was resting, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai went swimming. Father Wen knew that tigers like water, but he didn't expect to like it so much. He heard the sound no less than six times in the past few days.

Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें