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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space >Chapter 16 City Paralysis

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Chapter 16 City Paralysis (1/3)

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Now the entire C city is in a state of urban paralysis, with no electricity, water, and Internet.

Wen family.

When there was nothing to do at home, Wen’s mother used a gas tank to cook in different ways every day. She stored it in a space so that when it was inconvenient to turn it on, she could take it out to eat at any time.

Wen Nuan rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find a bunch of plastic buckets and basins, and placed them outside to catch the rainwater. The collected water is stored in the space and will be used for washing clothes and mopping the floor later. All are free. If you don't answer, you will be blind.

On the fifth day of the heavy rain, the water accumulated on the urban roads did not go down, and it was already below the knees and a little further down.

"Dad, after dinner, let's go to the building materials city for a walk. Everyone is probably worried about food now. Let's go find some cement and sand bricks. When the weather gets better, we can use them to build walls.

The iron fence in our house seems very insecure to me. If I look for a large iron gate with high safety factor, no one can get in with a hammer. "

Nuan Nuan was eating her mother’s egg-filled pancakes. Father Wen drank millet porridge and nodded in agreement.

Mother Wen: "Although there is no chaos yet, you two have to be careful. Get a kitchen knife to defend yourself." Wen Nuan nodded.

After all, there is no chaos now. He is walking around with guns and crossbows, and Nuan Nuan is afraid that he will not come back. Halfway through, I had to be invited to talk.

After breakfast, Wen’s mother prepared milk powder to feed Xiaobai. Wen Nuan dug out a few spoons of dog food for Kio and let him eat it.

"Go quickly. I'll finish feeding Xiaobai later, and then I'll feed Kio. He won't be hungry!"

The two men then put on their raincoats and boots and went out.

The Building Materials City is on the southern outskirts of City C. It would take at least a few hours to walk on their legs.

The road is not easy to walk now, and it is raining heavily. The water was even up to the knees, which would take even more time. We might not even be able to get home in the middle of the night.

The two of them walked while looking for a bicycle shop. Although the water was a bit heavy, it was fine if they could ride, which was much better than walking. Cars can't drive on this road because they're afraid of getting stuck, and it's not strenuous enough.

The two men walked for more than an hour before they found the bicycle in a shop without a door.

The door of the store must have been blown off, but the door frame doesn't look like it was pried off.

When you walk into the store, you can tell that others have been there too. It was a little messy because several of the places where bicycles were placed were empty.

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