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Chapter 75 Moving (1/3)

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Xiao Hei is too thin and hasn't eaten for an unknown amount of time. Yesterday, I was trying to save him, so I fed him so much. It won’t work after that, you have to do it step by step. If you eat too much, your stomach may not be able to bear it.

In fact, Wen Nuan underestimated wild Siberian tigers and didn’t understand them too well. They can go a week without eating after a full meal.

Kio was given dog food, canned food, cooked chicken liver, and two raw eggs.

Xiaobai still had 30 kilograms of raw beef and a bottle of goat milk powder.

Xiaohei is 10 kilograms of raw beef and one leaf of pork liver. A bowl of goat milk powder.

The three little ones lined up in a row, eating food from their respective basins. After eating and drinking, Wen Nuan changed Xiao Hei's medicine and gave him two more anthelmintics.

Xiao Hei follows the warmth step by step, and wherever the warmth goes, it is there.

Xiao Bai wanted to play with Xiao Hei, but was scratched away by Xiao Hei's paw. Nuan Nuan guessed that Xiao Hei felt insecure in a strange place.

It was also the period of natural disasters. If it was a normal era, Nuan Nuan would have been bitten to death long ago. After all, it is not easy to find a living creature in the wild now.

Nuan Nuan stayed in the tent during the day, and at night, when all the survivors were asleep, she took three more out to let them out.

A week passed by.

The noise outside the tent made Xiao Hei a little uneasy at first, but gradually he got used to it.

Wen Guoqiang and his wife also come to the warm tent to eat every day. After all, we have to live together, so Xiao Hei needs to slowly adapt to it, and by hanging around it every day, he will gradually become familiar with it.

Xiao Hei's recovery ability is good.

The holes in my legs scabbed over in seven days. The warmth is also slowly adding food to it. Until now, it is 20 kilograms of raw beef or mutton, or pork, plus a pot of goat milk powder every day.

The hair on Xiao Hei's body is no longer as rough as it was at the beginning. The flesh on the body is also slowly increasing, which is visible to the naked eye.

the weather is nice today.

"Xiao Hei, your leg injury is also scabbed. Can my sister give you a bath?"

Nuan Nuan called Father Wen and asked him to look at the tent while she took the three little ones to take a bath in the space.

"Oh, Xiao Hei, look at you, Duo Mi Tai. Look at the black water." Nuan Nuan babbled while giving Xiao Hei a bath, not knowing what was wrong.

Xiao Hei just let Wen Nuan rub his hair in various ways.

Chapter 75 Moving (2/3)

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After washing, I wanted to blow dry Xiao Hei, but I was afraid that Xiao Hei was afraid of the hair dryer, so I just dried it halfway and let the rest dry naturally. After washing the black one, replace it with the white one.

When the whole family went to Lanting to play, Xiaobai jumped over countless puddles and never washed him. Let's all come together today. After washing Xiaobai, he wiped it half dry and changed kio.

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