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Chapter 61 Wang Shuai (1/3)

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October 8th, sunny. -18°

After meeting Wen Nuan last time, Wang Shuai told his family what he thought, and Wang Daqing and Zhao Yunxia were very supportive. He secretly observed Nuan Nuan for a few days.

He found that this little girl had a very regular life. She got up early in the morning and took her two pets to the bathroom, and then wandered around the shelter. The survivors did not dare to come forward to say hello to her for fear of being bitten.

After returning to the tent at noon, she would stay until evening, or follow her mother to a relative's house. At night before going to bed, I would also come out and take a dip.

Wang Shuai has been looking for opportunities to meet her by chance, but she is always accompanied by someone, so he has no chance.

Her father was with her in the morning and evening. She usually stays either with her brother or her mother, or that Colonel Cheng comes to find her.

Early this morning, Wen Guoqiang was taken away by the chief secretary, leaving Wen Nuan to take the two little ones to the toilet alone.

Wang Shuai felt that his opportunity had come. He straightened his oily and tangled hair and put on what he thought was the cleanest and most decent down jacket and a pair of black travel shoes.

"Hi, beauty, how are you?" Wang Shuai turned his face at a 45° angle to make his body look as straight as possible, like a gentleman, with his right hand on his abdomen and his waist slightly bent.

warmth:? ? ? Where did Shabi come from? What to do?

When Wang Shuai saw that Wen Nuan didn't say anything, he looked at himself with a wary expression, and said a little anxiously, "I don't mean any harm, I just want to get to know you. I see you messing with your pets every day. From now on, I will I can sneak with you, so you won’t be alone.”

warmth:? ? ? Who said I was lonely? Who needs you to accompany you? What's your brain circuit?

The disgust on Nuan Nuan's face clearly hit Wang Shuai in the face.

"I've been paying attention to you for a long time. I like you and I want to pursue you." Wang Shuai thought he had noticed his affectionate warmth.

"Go away, or don't blame me for being rude. Xiaobai, kio," Wen Nuan felt disgusted even saying another word to him. How could there be such a person? Is all shit in your head?

How long has it been since this happened, and you still behave like a gentleman? Are you mentally ill? Neither fish nor fowl can be compared to a dog.

Nuan Nuan didn't give him a chance to speak again, mainly because he didn't dare to speak anymore because her two pets were back. Although he didn't scream. However, two pairs of eyes stared at him eagerly, and he was afraid.

Chapter 61 Wang Shuai (2/3)

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He took a few steps back and said, "Then I'll come back to you tomorrow." He dropped these words and ran away.

"Shabi." Wen Nuan rolled his eyes, "Let's go on, you two go to the toilet quickly. How long have you been out here?"

After Nuan Nuan brought the two little ones back, he found Wen's mother in her tent, her face not looking good, "Mom, didn't you say you were going to chat with my aunt? Why are you back? You look so ugly, what's wrong?" Who bullied you?"

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