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Chapter 15 Rescue (1/3)

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Dozens of bulldozers pushed out a large open space and set up tents. Let survivors who are slightly injured go to the tent to rest, and those who are seriously injured are sent to the hospital immediately.

The rescue team used search and rescue dogs to investigate step by step and rescue the living people.

Steel bars and glass shards scratched four rescue dogs. But they didn't seem to know the pain, desperately searching for survivors buried underground. The blood that stepped on the walls, steel bars, and cement blocks was red and dazzling.

The soldiers on the rescue team had wounds, large or small, on their hands. But they didn't have time to bandage the wounds, because time was too important to them. One minute later someone might lose their life.

Nuan Nuan looked at all this, feeling both proud and distressed.

Look, this is my country. In the face of disaster, young and lovely soldiers are always on the front line. (Salute to the soldiers!)

Nuan Nuan looked at his father: "Dad, I also want to join the search for survivors, and I also want to do my part."

Father Wen nodded in agreement: "Go ahead and pay attention to your own safety." After saying that, he turned and left.

Nuan Nuan put on Kio's shoes and touched his dog's head: "Kio, go and smell if there are any living people around here, okay? Go." He patted Kio's butt and pointed to a place.

Kio is not a search-and-rescue dog. He has not received special training. He is just ignorant and can sense what the shit-sweeper wants him to do. Kio tilted his head and glanced at his beautiful girl, and then moved to the area that warmed his fingers.

After smelling for a long time, I couldn't smell anything. One person and one dog moved to another place. This time, Kio barked twice at the man.

Nuan Nuan hurriedly followed. This was a building with unknown floors. It collapsed and was almost like a two-story building.

Wen Nuan did not dare to shout loudly into the gap in the middle of the house. If he shouted loudly, the echo might cause vibrations and cause a secondary collapse. Warmth shouted softly: "Is there anyone? Is anyone alive? Is anyone alive?"

There was no sound for a long time. Nuan Nuan thought that Kio didn't understand what she meant, so he touched the dog's head and asked it to continue searching. When he turned around, his warm ears heard a slight tapping sound.

Nuan Nuan wasn't sure if he heard it wrong. He turned around and listened carefully, and there was indeed a knocking sound.

Nuan Nuan hurriedly shouted into the gap in the house: "I heard your knocking, hold on, I will find someone to save you now. Hold on."

"Come here, rescue brother, come quickly, there is a living person here." Nuan Nuan shouted a few times, and a rescue team rushed over, and they were responsible for rescuing people.

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