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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space >Chapter 35 Donating Water Resources

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Chapter 35 Donating Water Resources (1/3)

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After returning from the shelter, Wen's father and Wen's mother sat in the living room without saying a word.

"Dad, Mom, what are you thinking about? Why don't you say anything?" Nuan Nuan was also sitting in the living room, scratching his cheek, feeling a little unhappy.

The water in the shelter was already running low. It would be okay if she didn't have the ability. There was nothing she could do, and even if she wanted to help, she didn't have the ability. You can follow your parents with peace of mind, eat the popular food and drink hot food, no matter how bad it is.

However, there is a stream in her space.

The water used by the whole family for washing, eating, drinking and making ice, including for livestock, comes from the creek. They use it every day and there is no decrease in the water.

"I know what you two are thinking. Even though our family has a lot of mineral water, only a few of us are using it, so it seems like a lot.

But how many people are in the shelter? Once divided, can one person get a bottle? It's good if you can persist for three days.

So, even if we donate all the mineral water in our family, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

As for the water from the creek, there are no large tankers for us to load. Even if we wanted to, we couldn't do it. "Father Wen glanced at his wife and daughter.

"Dad, Dad, I have an idea. Do you think this will work? Go find the Great Secretary and tell him..."

Two nights later.

Father Wen drove to the shelter and found Secretary Gao at the government affairs office, saying, "Wen Bin, that's what happened. I have a friend who heard that the shelter's water source was in urgent need. He was willing to donate all the stored water for free. Give shelter."

Secretary Gao was stunned at that time. After calming down, he asked Father Wen to stay in his office while he went to tell the mayor and colonel. Such a big matter is no longer something the big secret can decide.

Cheng Xiyan was slightly surprised for a moment when he saw Father Wen.

"Sir, Mayor Luo, long time no see." Father Wen stepped forward to shake hands politely.

"Mr. Wen, how are you doing lately? This is Cheng Xiyan, Colonel Cheng." Luo Qing introduced the two of them.

Father Wen knew he should be an officer, but he didn't expect him to be a colonel. "Colonel Cheng, you are really young and promising."

"Mr. Wen, can your friend get water? Is it true?" Cheng Xiyan stared at Father Wen.

Being stared at so enthusiastically by a young man made Father Wen feel a little nervous.

"Yes, yes. He has a lot. He stored it privately. He doesn't want compensation or supplies, and he doesn't want anyone to know. He is just afraid that Guojia will settle the score in the future. So, the colonel can make the decision..."

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