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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space >Chapter 3 Space Appearance

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Chapter 3 Space Appearance (1/3)

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Nuan Nuan replied, "Okay, I got it. Kio is gone, go back to the bedroom, sister will hug you and sleep." One person and one dog floated back to the bedroom, opened the door and closed it, all in one go.

Back in the bedroom, Nuan Nuan knelt down on the bed. Kio jumped on the bed and squatted next to Nuan Nuan.

He took out the hairpin and looked at it carefully. The whole body of the hairpin was milky white, the head of the hairpin was carved into an orchid, and there were a few strands of red silk embellishment in the middle of the stamens.

Don't tell me, it's really pretty. Why did people in the past still have this skill? Amazing!

Nuan Nuan found a video on Dou Dou and tried to hold back her hair. However, his eyes caught his attention, but his hands failed to follow.

Say goodbye with force, and with a "click" sound, the hairpin is broken, the hairpin is broken, broken. . .

Nuan Nuan put the hairpin on the bed with trembling hands, hugged Kio tightly and shivered, with only one thought in his mind. It's over. It hasn't been an hour since the hairpin came into my hands, right?

A wisp of transparent green smoke and a slight floral fragrance floated out from the hairpin, and went in along the warm nostrils.

We can't see the green smoke in Wen Nuan, but we just seem to smell the fragrance of some flowers. Then his eyes blurred, and he appeared in front of a wooden door in a kneeling position with Kio in his arms.

With a confused look on his face, there was a buzzing sound in his head, ⊙?⊙, what's going on? What happened? Where am I?

Kio, on the other hand, is relatively receptive. It walks around and explores this unknown area after leaving its owner's arms.

When Nuan Nuan came in, he faced the main door of the thatched house. There was a hill behind the house. But the hill is bare, with nothing but weeds, and you can see it all at a glance.

The thatched hut was a real thatched hut, dilapidated. A simple fence surrounds a yard covering about two acres.

The gate hung precariously on its wooden posts. Nuan Nuan's first thought was, "What can this door protect against?"

Pushing open the crumbling door, Wen Nuan shouted, "Is anyone there?" There was silence all around.

The sky-blue cobblestone path leads to the front entrance of the thatched house and then branches to a wooden house. The other end extends to the small river not far from the grass outside.

A small row of vines at the corner of the left fence is supported by bamboos and extends towards the thatched house. Ripe fruits hang on the trees, crystal clear.

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