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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space >Chapter 4 Nightmare

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Chapter 4 Nightmare (1/2)

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"This kid, I think she's going crazy. What did she do? It's not a good thing to laugh at." Mother Wen laughed and cursed, and continued to watch her TV.

When Father Wen came back in the evening, Mother Wen knocked on the door of Nuan Nuan's room and said, "Nuan Nuan, get up and take a bite before going to bed. Not eating is bad for your stomach."

Wen Nuan felt guilty. When she heard Wen's mother calling her, she got up and went to eat. By the way, give kio some food. After the family of four had dinner, Nuan Nuan took Kio out for a walk.

As long as it doesn't rain heavily, hail or have strong winds, the warmth will be unshakable after dinner and I can take Kio out for a walk.

The Nuan family's villa is in the southwest corner, and on the left is a road leading to other families' villas. On the right is the forest. A few hundred meters ahead is a small green belt.

It occupies a small area and contains some park facilities and pavilions. Warmth takes it for a walk every time when it's not in the woods or around here.

After kio is finished, use a small shovel to put the stinky smell into a garbage bag with sticky notes on the outside, and then throw it into the trash can.

The light rain didn't stop for a week. Fortunately, the rain wasn't heavy, the drainage system in the villa was good, and there wasn't much water on the road.

I took Kio around twice and played with it for a while before heading back home.

At night, in a warm dream.

Nuan Nuan watched from a third-party perspective as the light rain continued for another half a month before slowly turning into heavy rain, and then into heavy rain. The heavy rain continued all day and all night before the sky cleared up.

The moment the sun came out, people thought the damn rainstorm had finally stopped. As everyone knows, this is just God giving all human beings a breathing space.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed, and on a sunny afternoon, the Meteorological Bureau detected the sudden formation of a hurricane. It landed in City C with wind speeds of two thousand kilometers per hour. The sudden formation of hurricane took away countless lives.

Nuan Nuan watched all this with his own eyes in his dream. The hurricane was followed by ten days of heavy rain. There was too much rain and the Xinji Reservoir in City C was destroyed. The floods swept away countless people's homes unbridled.

In dreams, what follows are extreme heat, extreme cold, sandstorms, eternal night, eternal day, earthquakes, insect plagues, rat infestations, thick fog, etc. . .

One night, my warm heart was experiencing various emotions such as collapse, anger, bloodlust, darkness, sympathy, pity, numbness, etc.

The warmth that collapsed couldn't be woken up. Kio, who was sleeping next to him, felt that the smell of the shit-sweeper was not right, so he stuck out his tongue and licked Wen Wen's face, but Wen Wen showed no sign of waking up.

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