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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space > Chapter 27 Father Wen was beaten

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Chapter 27 Father Wen was beaten (1/3)

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"Brother Wen, I am with the mayor. Therefore, I only know a little more information. I advise you to stock up on supplies. Especially food and water resources.

Natural disasters are not unique to our country. But global.

The boss in Kyoto has contacted several surrounding Kokujia via satellite phone. The situation abroad is also not optimistic. Maybe, it’s not as good as our flower-growing country. "After taking a breath, Secretary Gao continued.

“The Meteorological Bureau also gave us a notice that extreme heat is coming soon.

The temperature may be many times more terrifying than it is now. That's why the troops urgently dug air-raid shelters to maximize the survival of the people when the extreme heat came.

But the common people were unaware of the extremely hot weather and did not give any notice for fear of causing panic. "

Father Wen thought to himself: I have an amazing daughter, so I know, but I can't tell.

"Our city has done some calculations. After the hurricane and floods, the mayor also asked us to roughly count the population. The number of people lost was about 150,000.

City Z in Lin Province has a smaller permanent population than ours. It is this number. "Secretary Gao made a seven sign to Father Wen.

Father Wen sighed, these are not numbers, they are living lives.

Hurricanes and floods have taken away so many people, but what about the extreme heat? Is there still so much water for people to drink in the end? Even if the entire reservoir is drained and stored, how long will it last?

This topic is too heavy.

"Nuan Nuan, tell your mother to come in and stop looking. Let's cook. Make some more dishes. Brother Gao and I will have some drinks." Father Wen shouted outside to Nuan Nuan.

"Mom, what will happen to these workers? Are they not going to provide food?" Wen Nuan asked while helping Wen's mother in the kitchen.

"No, I can't afford it. They were given points for working here. Didn't you give them water? That's good. Water is quite precious now. It's not like you can't get food in the shelter.

Wealth is not revealed, even if our family has so much food, we cannot provide it. If a few more people with evil intentions are attracted, our family will be doomed. "Mother Wen was cooking and talking quietly to her daughter without any delay.

Finally, I made a dish of vinegar-braised cabbage, a dish of fried shredded potatoes, a dish of braised fish, a dish of steamed prawns, a dish of chicken stewed with potatoes, and a bowl of tomato and egg soup. Complete life, very rich.

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