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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space > Chapter 12 Xiaobai

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Chapter 12 Xiaobai (1/2)

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On the way, Nuan Nuan searched on her mobile phone and found out that it was probably a little white tiger. However, the little tiger was just a few days old and somehow was left behind by its mother or lost accidentally.

Tiger cubs don't open their eyes for 6 to 12 days after birth, and it takes several weeks for full vision to develop. Tiger cubs can walk more than ten days after they are born. You can run and jump in about a month. They can follow their mother out of the nest when they are about two months old.

They cannot hunt on their own until they are one and a half years old, although the baby tiger's baby teeth and claws can do damage. In the wild, tigresses often cannot find enough food to feed themselves and all their cubs, which limits the survival rate of the cubs. (Information from Du Niang)

After arriving at the airport, Nuan Nuan picked up the ticket, went to the drinking fountain to get a glass of boiling water, turned around and went to the bathroom, locked the door, checked that there were no hidden cameras nearby, and entered the space.

Kio was originally sleeping in the space. Suddenly, a creature appeared on the grass at the door. It smelled of earth. It lowered its head and smelled it curiously.

After Wen Nuan entered the space, he saw the little one gurgling slightly on the grass, while Kio was squatting and watching the little one gurgling.

Nuan Nuan hurriedly dug out a wool blanket in the warehouse and put the little guy on the blanket. Then I heated the boiling water and made a cup of goat milk powder for the little guy.

When I was stocking up, I didn’t even think about stocking up on baby bottles. Wen Nuan just found a syringe, removed the needle and injected it into the little one’s mouth.

The little guy's belly was visibly bulging, and Wen Nuan didn't dare to feed him any more. I found a wet paper towel and wiped the dirt off it. The little guy who was so dirty had a big heart, so he went to sleep after eating.

Take a paper towel and dip it in some warm water to wipe its bottom to help it defecate and urinate. This is a fateful thing. If you don't pay attention to the warmth, or don't think about getting out of the car to see it, it will probably become cold.

It was raining so hard and it was just born, so the chance of survival was almost zero.

I’m so tired after cleaning up and giving warmth. The child is too young to feed! After sighing, Wen Nuan got food for the big one, fodder and water for the livestock, and then there was room.

There are stores selling baby products at the airport. Wen Nuan shopped around, originally planning to buy changing pads and bottles, but then I saw someone selling baby toys, so I bought a few, and there were also food supplement machines for sale, so I bought a few, and finally took out a few large bags.

Finally, there were a few bottles of prepared goat milk powder in the bag. After all, the child was too young and had to be fed every few hours. As for the rest, I checked it in.

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