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Chapter 58 Heartbeat (1/3)

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Originally, Cheng Xiyan wanted to stand up and straighten his body, but he saw a black one and a white one running in the distance. Cheng Xiyan knew that these were Xiaobai and Kio who were raised in warmth.

No longer turning over the pile of rubble, he strode towards the warmth.

He ran to Nuan Nuan and looked her up and down to see how she was doing, "I looked for you after the earthquake, but I couldn't find you after searching for several days. Are you okay?"

This sudden question of concern made Wen Nuan confused, "I'm fine. I was injured during the earthquake, so I've been recuperating. Thank you for your concern."

"Where are you injured? Have you recovered?" Although Cheng Xiyan had anxiety in his eyes, his behavior was considered appropriate. There is nothing uncomfortable about it.

I haven't seen her since the earthquake just now. When I saw her suddenly, I lost my sense of proportion.

Wen Nuan nodded, "My calf was hit a little bit, and it has recovered. There is no problem. How about you? How are you doing recently? Your style is quite unique, isn't it?"

Cheng Xiyan looked shabby, his down jacket was covered in dirt, his gloves were torn, and the edges of his military boots were a little fluffy.

Seeing that Wen Nuan was in good condition, Cheng Xiyan was not angry at her teasing. Knowing that she was fine, Cheng Xiyan felt relieved.

He smiled at Wen Nuan and said, "Well, it's good." Then he turned to look at Wen Guoqiang and said, "Wen always comes to see his relatives?"

Wen Guoqiang and his wife are indeed a little confused. If it can no longer be seen that Cheng Xiyan has thoughts about his daughter, then their eyes will be smashed, don't do it.

Father Wen calmed down and said, "Ah, yes, yes. Accompany my lover to visit her sister."

These two kids don’t seem to have much in common, right? Why did he suddenly fall in love with his daughter?

Too. It's understandable, after all, his daughter looks like a flower, full of energy. This guy has a vision.

Although he is discerning, he cannot miss his daughter!

Mother Wen didn't think much about it.

She respects Nuan Nuan. If her daughter also likes this young man, her parents can't stop her. At most, they can just check.

Besides, natural disasters are happening one after another, and there is no tomorrow, so there is no point in thinking too far ahead.

"Colonel Cheng, do you have anything else?" Father Wen was unhappy. How old is my daughter? Are you just worried about me? Do you want to be shameless?

Chapter 58 Heartbeat (2/3)

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"It's okay. I'll leave now. Sorry to bother you." Cheng Xiyan glanced at Wen Nuan again before turning around and leaving.

He knew that he had been a little abrupt just now.

Cheng Xiyan didn't know when he started to feel this way about her.

Maybe a meeting? Maybe when handing him water? Maybe when you were confronting him in the Wetland Park?

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