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Chapter 53 Xiaobai’s ID card (1/2)

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Office on the fifth floor.

When he saw Cheng Xiyan's face again, Wen Nuan felt a little embarrassed.

I am a colonel, who are you? This guy gave her the ability to make people unable to say anything to criticize him. Nuan Nuan, you are so awesome, you have given Lao Wen a face.

Wen Nuan took off his goggles, gloves and mask, and smiled brightly at Cheng Xiyan. Don't talk about embarrassing things, just smile.

Cheng Xiyan couldn't stand the warm smile again. He seemed to hear his own cheerful heartbeat.

'Boom, boom, boom'

After looking at her twice, he said dryly, "Hello, please sit down." After saying that, he pointed to the sofa opposite him.

Wen Nuan sat down on the sofa pointed by Cheng Xiyan without any courtesy.

As soon as he sat down, he stood up and took the gift from Xiaobai and handed it to Cheng Xiyan, "My dad asked me to bring it to you."

After Cheng Xiyan took it, Wen Nuan sat down and said, "Kio, Xiaobai, sit down." With a gesture from Wen Wen, the two little ones were obedient and sat next to Wen Wen.

Cheng Xiyan looked at it for a while and asked, "Where did you pick up Xiaobai? You raised him very well and he is so obedient."

"I met it when I was traveling to Yun Province. At first, I thought it was a newborn kitten. Later, when I got older, I realized it was a Bengal white tiger.

But it was already an extremely hot period at that time, and I couldn't go out to report to Guojia, so I kept raising it. " Nuan Nuan explained dryly. I don't know if Cheng Xiyan believed it? Anyway, what she said was the truth.

Cheng Xiyan didn't say whether he believed it or not, and he didn't say anything.

The two of them glanced at each other unintentionally, and their eyes accidentally collided and looked at each other. Nuan Nuan quickly turned his eyes away. There was a slight embarrassment in the air.

Wen Nuan scratched his reddish cheek: "Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to quarrel with you last time, and I couldn't see clearly who you were, so I was a little scared."

Cheng Xiyan looked at the slightly red face and the rather uncomfortable warmth, and smiled, "It's okay, I don't take it to heart. It's a good thing to be vigilant." Then, there was another silence.

Cheng Xiyan is not the kind of person who has nothing to say. I quickly applied for an adoption certificate for Xiaobai.

Holding the adoption certificate that looked like a certificate, Wen Nuan smiled and said, "If you're busy, I'll leave first. Thank you."

Without waiting for Cheng Xiyan to say anything else, he turned around and left with Xiaobai Kio.

Cheng Xiyan stood under the window and watched the little girl leave. The heart began to make a happy sound again, "thump, thump, thump". The corners of his mouth curved slightly, "Haha..."

We don’t know what’s so funny about him.

It was quite a ride along the way. After all, who wouldn’t be afraid of such a big tiger? Xiaobai's performance was pretty good. It didn't get any hairy when passing so many people.

Nuan Nuan put the adoption certificate in the space and put it away. Humming a tune happily. Dance, dance, we are certified people, no, certified beasts.

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