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Chapter 54 Zheng Gang (1/3)

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Nuan Nuan's fist fell on the woman as if it was free of charge. The woman who was beaten was unable to fight back and screamed repeatedly.

If this were normal, Nuan Nuan might not be able to beat this woman. The advantage of warmth is that even after the apocalypse, I will drink spicy food every day, and my nutrition will keep up.

The rest of the patrol team stepped forward to pull the fight apart and pull Wen Nuan away.

Nuan Nuan adjusted his hat that was tilted off and pulled off his down jacket. Then he turned back to the RV and stood in front of Xiaobai and Kio.

Zheng Gang had been silent since the beginning. When Nuan Wen was fighting, he distanced himself from Wen Nuan and looked at the tiger and the dog in front of him.

It can be seen that this family is not short of supplies. The dog is kept smooth and smooth, and he also wears a down jacket. He didn't even have two changes of clothes. Needless to say, tigers are fat and strong and look extremely ferocious.

Zheng Gang was very excited and wanted these two beasts. He hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

Although there was food and drink in the patrol, it was just like the survivors, eating sand scorpions or cultivated potatoes and sweet potatoes.

The most is three or two kilograms of rice as a monthly subsidy. He hasn't seen any meat in more than a year.

Xiaobai and Kio were so chubby due to warmth, how could he not be moved?

Before the natural disaster, Zheng Gang was just a graduate who had just graduated from college and was idle at home.

After the natural disaster, his brother-in-law Zhao Long joined the patrol team for him. He patrolled the shelter every day and there was no danger. You can also get some subsidies.

His brother-in-law Zhao Long is Luo Qing's subordinate, and he is more valued by Luo Qing.

Everyone in the patrol team knew that behind him was Captain Zhao, and even the mayor. So no one dared to confront him head-on.

If they offend the leaders above, their jobs may not be kept, and their subsidies may be gone. The elderly and children at home are also looking forward to this subsidy to improve their food.

What's more, the survivors in the shelter are usually polite to the patrol members. This caused Zheng Gang to be a bit arrogant and arrogant.

I feel that besides the mayor, his brother-in-law is the oldest. Most people can't see him.

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Chapter 54 Zheng Gang (2/3)

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It can be said that Zheng Gang walked sideways in the shelter.

Zheng Gang did not dare to get too close to Wen Nuan. He took two steps forward and pretended to cough, "Little girl, do you know that tigers are protected animals by Guojia? Now I need your help to hand it over to Guojia." Chia.

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