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Chapter 7 Preparing Supplies 2 (1/2)

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the next day.

Wen Guoqiang ran to Damao early in the morning.

Damao is located in the northeast corner of City C, far away from the urban area. All that area are large warehouses. It is no exaggeration to say that there are thousands of seats.

Wen Guoqiang used his connections to obtain a batch of strategic materials and high-quality Northeast rice and flour. When others ask, they donate to the disaster area.

It's been raining recently, and cities in the south are flooded. When people bring mineral water for self-heating hotpots, he gives rice and flour. After all, he is a well-known figure in City C, so donating materials is normal.

But Wen Guoqiang is planning to stock up just this once. Too much will easily be targeted by big data.

The supplies truck arrived in the afternoon.

In the evening, Wen Guoqiang called Nuan Nuan and told her the address of the warehouse and asked her to come and collect the supplies.

Nuan Nuan was shopping with Wen's mother in the supermarket at that time. After answering the phone, she told Wen's mother, "Mom, my dad asked me to go to the warehouse. You can buy it yourself. We will be back after a while." After that, Wen Nuan drove away.

After an hour and a half of journey, Nuan Nuan turned on the navigation on her mobile phone and went to the warehouse.

The warehouse of 1,200 square meters is full of supplies.

"That's great, Comrade Wen." Wen Nuan gave his father a thumbs up.

In one day, Father Wen had prepared so much, which was really a pretty good result. Even if you don’t buy anything, it’s enough for your family to survive a natural disaster.

Northeastern rice, high-gluten noodles, low-gluten noodles, edible salt, white sugar, edible oil, whole bags of cotton, petroleum, and coal.

In addition to strategic supplies, Wen's father himself also bought a lot. Mineral water, self-heating hot pot, large bags of instant noodles, chocolate, biscuits, dried meat, clothing and shoes for the whole family all year round. There are also two multifunctional generators.

Nuan Nuan put most of the supplies into the space, leaving only a small amount of rice, flour, grain and oil.

Only then did the two of them go home in a car. Father Wen went to the supermarket to pick up Mother Wen. Seeing that it was still early, Nuan Nuan drove to the night market stall.

Barbecue, chicken steaks, starch sausage, grilled cold noodles, fried skewers, sizzling tofu, spicy hotpot, rice noodles, warm food to buy from beginning to end. I don’t have enough hands to carry it, so I go back to the RV first, put the things in the space, and then come back to continue shopping.

After shopping until early in the morning, Nuan Nuan returned to Lanting, exhausted.

Wen Guoqiang and his wife didn't even take a break. They were writing and drawing with pen and paper in the living room on the first floor.

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