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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space > Chapter 38 Ning County

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Chapter 38 Ning County (1/3)

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The 12th day of continuous cooling.

The temperature outside has dropped to 50 degrees Celsius. Around 38 degrees at night.

Some survivors still chose to stay in the air raid shelters, while others chose to return to the shelter buildings.

After all, the building is more spacious than the air raid shelter, and the smell is slightly better.

After half a year of high-temperature exercise, the survivors' ability to resist heat has improved a lot.

Wei County is one hundred and thirty kilometers away from the refuge.

The open-air balcony on the second floor is covered with marinated dried bacon. The indoor scene on the second floor can be clearly seen from a distance outside.

The original color of the dirty sofa could no longer be seen. There were a few pieces of bacon on the coffee table and a small electric frying pan, the bottom of which had been blackened by smoke.

At this time, there were three men and two women sitting on the sofa.

Each person has a rosy complexion and a pair of slightly straight eyes under their greasy and frizzy hair. Looking closely, the eyes are bloodshot and red, and the facial muscles occasionally twitch.

This is a prion. Caused by cannibalism.

The specific manifestations are dementia, nerve spasms, itchy skin and abnormality, accompanied by mental abnormalities.

The more people eat it, the more severe the symptoms will become, and may eventually lead to insanity or even death.

Boss Qian sat on the sofa, put his arms around a woman, and said, "The temperature has dropped. I don't know if it will continue to drop in the future. There are no living two-legged sheep here, and we don't have much inventory." .

In the past few days, you all need to pack your things. We will stay near the shelter, where there are many two-legged sheep. "

The woman reached out and touched his thigh as if there was no one around. Boss Qian paused for a moment, then continued, "Dasha, go to the basement to pack the tools, and take out the two-legged sheep to dry them in the sun.

Devil, find two more woven bags and put all the meat hanging on the balcony. Once the temperature gets cooler, we head out to the shelter. "

After Boss Qian finished speaking, he dragged the woman into the house. After a while, the sound of whipping and the sound of um um ah ah could be heard through the door panel.

The man who spoke was named Qian Yongfu. About 40 years old. With a Chinese character face, broken eyebrows, and swollen eyelids, he doesn't look like a good person.

A native of city c. He likes to drink heavily, and when he drinks too much, he domestically abuses his wife.

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