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Chapter 18 Heavy Rain (1/3)

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Many survivors were also housed in the villa area. The district chief distributed tents and food to the survivors below.

A few people per tent. Find your own partner. If there is one per person or one for a family, the tent is simply not enough.

The heavy rain continues, making people feel anxious.

We don’t know when the heavy rain will stop, we don’t know when the floods will recede, and we don’t know when Guojia will be able to rebuild our homes.

Not every survivor stays in the tent and avoids trouble.

Some people are like this. If everyone lives in a tent, they won't think much about it. At most, it will be trivial matters.

But if your home is gone and your relatives don’t know where they are, are they still alive? If you look at the people living in villas in the villa area, look at their food and drink, and then look at your own food and drink, jealousy will eat into their minds.

They will think: Why? Why do we have no home and can only live in crowded tents? I stayed unkempt all day and ate unpalatable compressed biscuits.

But you rich people can live comfortably in your own villas, eat delicious food, drink fine wine, and sleep on soft beds.

As for us, there were only a few of us squeezed into the small tent and endured.

We are all compatriots, why are you so unsympathetic and don't help us and let us live in it?

You can earn so much money because of the blood and sweat of us people.

Without us ordinary people who have worked hard, would you still be able to live in a villa? Can you still eat delicacies from the mountains and sea? Can it still be so comfortable?

Coupled with the trio of hurricanes, heavy rains, and floods, the weather has been too depressing for a long time, causing people's spirits to collapse and their thoughts to go to extremes.

Several families in the villa area were robbed.

Because city C is in a state of power and network outage, there is no way to monitor it.

Although everyone was fine, some valuable items and food had been robbed.

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