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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space >Chapter 47 Cold-resistant Food

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Chapter 47 Cold-resistant Food (1/3)

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Talk about both ends.

Zhang Li's life is not easy either. It was more than 80 degrees below zero outside, and the whole family huddled together in a small 20-square-meter house to keep warm.

Of course, you can also live in air raid shelters. It's just that the temperature is about the same as in the building. So, it doesn't matter where you live.

The house faces north and south.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see that the entire east wall is piled with firewood and coal distributed by the shelter to survivors. Although the quantity is not very large, it can still give survivors who do not have firewood a way to survive.

The fire was placed in the middle of the room to the south, with an iron tripod supported on it. A small pot was placed on the shelf, and the snow that had not yet melted was burning in it.

There is a thick layer of ice crystals hanging on the walls. No matter how much firewood is burned, bursts of cold air can still be emitted from the wall, so cold that the seams in one's bones ache.

As early as when the temperature had just dropped, the three men from Liu Dahai's family went out to look for supplies with Teng Hai next door.

Dead branches, tree trunks, wooden furniture in residential areas, shopping malls. As long as you can make a fire to keep warm, use an ax to split it and bring it back neatly.

Zhang Li was reluctant to use the three bags of coal that Wen's mother brought.

During the day, a small amount of firewood is used, as long as there is heat, and people gather around the fire to keep warm. At night, put a few pieces of coal on the fire to prevent it from going out, and open the windows from time to time for ventilation.

As for eating, it's even simpler.

Go outside and pick up some snow, heat it in a small pot, boil the potatoes and sweet potatoes, and keep the remaining hot water for drinking. Or eat the official sand scorpion cake. Occasionally, I would eat instant noodles or biscuits brought by Wen's mother to satisfy my craving.

The living conditions of Zhang Li's family are relatively good in the shelter. The official distributed one sand scorpion cake to each person a day. Most of the survivors ate the first meal but not the next. They were not full, but they could not starve to death.

The sand scorpions caught during extremely hot periods are simply processed and made into edible scorpion sauce and sand scorpion cakes. Just like this, I don't know how long I can hold on.

The grain stored in the grain depot must be preserved as much as possible. When there is really no land to eat, this is life-saving grain.

During the extreme cold period, people die almost every day. Including Liu Dahai's parents, who were missing a few days ago.

Old Mrs. Liu was gone in the middle of the night. When he was discovered in the morning, he was frozen solid.

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