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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space >Chapter 28 Building a Wall

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Chapter 28 Building a Wall (1/3)

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It wasn't until this moment that Nuan Nuan truly realized that this was the end of the world, a dangerous world.

Don't say that she didn't experience something in the dream, she just saw it from a third perspective, and it was a dream again.

Even if you can empathize with it, so what if it’s like experiencing it yourself? It has been more than three months, and I have long lost the mood I had at that time.

What's more, in reality, even if there are hurricanes and floods, there are still parents around. Even if the temperature is high, Wen's mother still feeds her husband and daughter in different ways every day.

In the three months since the natural disaster, Wen's father has also tried hard to shoulder the burden of the family and make his wife and daughter's lives more stable.

As for Wen Nuan, he doesn’t go out very much and doesn’t know much about what’s going on outside. He either eats or sleeps at home, or entertains cats and dogs.

Even when I go out, I always stay with Father Wen. Life is no different from before. So I gradually forgot that the end has come, and people today are actually more dangerous.

Nuan Nuan sat next to his father and bowed his head silently.

"It's okay, don't you think I came back well?" Father Wen touched his daughter's little head.

"He should be lucky that he ran fast. If I were allowed to get in the car, I would crush him into a specimen."

"Pfft...hehehe..." Wen Nuan couldn't hold it back and laughed.

Today the temperature has risen another 2 degrees to 50 degrees Celsius. The heat outside is unbearable.

As soon as I took a breath, I felt that the air sucked into my lungs was very hot.

For lunch, we had pork liver stir-fried with chili peppers. Wen’s mother also stewed pork ribs soup, and the vegetable was stir-fried fungus with cabbage. There is also a small stir-fried beef dish.

Father Wen: "I'm going to the shelter to find workers. I'm afraid I won't have time to build the wall myself. The temperature has risen too fast. In a few days, we won't be able to get out."

Warmth also has a sense of urgency.

It's better to have the air conditioner in the room. Today, when I opened the door, the heat hit my nose. When I stretched out my arms, my skin felt so hot that it hurt after a while.

Instead of going to find workers with Father Wen, Nuan Nuan squatted at home and stepped up the production of ice.

On the other side, Father Wen drove to the shelter. After walking around in a circle, I found the recruitment office.

I went to the person in charge and explained the situation. Recruit 50 people. 25 points a day, including food and accommodation. It takes three days to build the wall, which is three meters high and one meter wide.

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