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Chapter 66 Covering the County (1/3)

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There is a darkroom in the office of Boss Jiahe.

Only Kou Quan in the entire factory knew about this, and he only found out accidentally.

Kou Quan came to the door of the office that day and wanted to talk to his boss about work. Finding that the door was not closed tightly, Kou Quan looked through the gap in the door and saw the boss holding a wooden box in his hand. He pressed it casually in the middle of the wall, and a secret door appeared.

No matter how specific it was, he didn't dare to read any more. Kou Quan was worried that he would be discovered, so he quietly turned back.

Thinking of this, Kou Quan waited for the evening to go and look for him quietly.

Kou Quan didn't know the specific location of the switch in the darkroom, so he used a flashlight to fumble around on the wall at night.

There is a slight bulge in the middle of the wall. If you don't touch it carefully, you can't feel it. Kou Quan looked carefully and touched it, then opened the secret door and entered.

There is almost 200 square meters of space. One wall is lined with collection shelves, and the other wall is filled with sex toys, a desk, a rocking chair, and a simple double bed.

The wooden box still lay on the shelf. Kou Quan thought the boss had taken the box away long ago.

Walk up and open the box. Inside is a pistol and several bullets. There was also a little gold and a few valuable ornaments on the shelf.

Kou Quan excitedly picked up the gun and touched it, then packed up the gold and took it away.

The next day I told several other companions about the darkroom. Several people worked together to move most of the medicines and hide them in the darkroom, and the rest were piled randomly in a building.

When the troops from the Jiaocheng base came to collect medicines, Kou turned them all in except those in the darkroom.

With guns in their hands, the few of them felt confident. They would rob some supplies from time to time, and their lives were going smoothly.

In this way, slowly, from the first few people, we now have thirty or forty people.

As the boss, Kou Quan definitely doesn't need to work, he just needs to grasp the general direction.

The mission of others is to go out and deceive the survivors, and then use temptation to trick them into entering Jiahe. It is not up to them to decide whether they live or die.

Chapter 66 Covering the County (2/3)

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Good-looking men and women were imprisoned and sold. Anything else that is useless is killed, and the meat is made into cans or dried meat and sold outside, in exchange for some daily necessities or oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, rice, flour, grains and oils, etc.

The number of survivors they had trapped in a day was as high as double digits.

Speaking of Cheng Xiyan.

The three of them went all the way north along Jiaocheng to Gaixian County.

As soon as he entered Gai County, he met Wang Quan, a core member of Jiahe. He was one of the first people to follow Kou Quan, and he was also a former employee of Jiahe.

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