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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space > Chapter 40 Return of Xiaobai

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Chapter 40 Xiaobai's Return (1/3)

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Nuan Nuan sat up from the bed. She seemed to hear Xiaobai's voice. He stood up and went out in a hurry. Father Wen quickly opened the car door and got out of the car with Mother Wen.

"Ouch..." The white dot in the distance was running at full speed, getting closer and closer to the RV.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai," Nuan Nuan ran towards Xiaobai, wailing as he ran.

When Xiaobai gradually ran closer to Wen Nuan, he was hugged by Wen Nuan.

"Woooooo...Xiaobai, Xiaobai, I thought you didn't want this family anymore, I thought you didn't want me anymore. You're back, you're back."

"Ouch...Ouch..." Warm snot and tears rubbed Xiaobai's neck.

Hearing something wrong with its cry, Wen Nuan let go of its neck and looked down at its mouth.

Xiaobai had a bird in his mouth, a green parrot. Already dying.

Xiaobai took the parrot out of his mouth and handed it to his mother. Then he burst into tears and smiled, "Why did you pick up another freeloader at home?"

Nuan Nuan hugged its neck and giggled 'hehehe'.

On the way back.

"Where have you been? What time is it? Are you coming back? Look at you. You are so dirty. Go home and take a shower." Nuan Nuan muttered quietly along the way.

Xiaobai would reply to her from time to time, "Oh..."

After arriving home, Nuan Nuan gave Kio and Xiaobai a bath first.

It took a full three hours. After washing it, I blew it, then washed the other one, and then dried it again.

I added food to each small rice bowl, and then I felt that I was very hungry.

Mother Wen put the parrot on the sofa, found some millet and water, and put it in a small bowl. Whether it can survive or not depends on itself.

After the whole family had eaten, they went back to their rooms to rest. I'm so sad today, my mood fluctuates a lot, so I need to slow down.

Warm the bedroom.

Xiaobai feels particularly sticky and warm tonight for some reason. They have to sleep next to each other.

Maybe in its head with limited capacity, the warmth wanted to throw it away, so the whole family drove away without waiting for it.

One night, I was exhausted from the warmth.

Just sleep next to each other. No, it has to be the kind where my back is in your arms, and I don't even look at my weight. It's so crowded that I almost fell out of bed.

Kio has a boss-like demeanor, curling up at the end of the bed to sleep without any fight.

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