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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space >Chapter 42 Missing Persons 2

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Chapter 42 Missing Persons 2 (1/3)

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When Teng Hai heard this, he asked, "Brother, what do you mean, your child is also missing?"

"Well, my eldest daughter, who is 25 years old, said a few days ago that she was looking for some supplies, but then she didn't come back. My wife and I also searched for several days, but couldn't find it. Recently, several families' children have been lost in the shelter. Some are children and some are girls." The man sighed, shook his head and left.

When Tenghai heard this, he thought this was wrong. There were many families that lost their children and girls. What about people who don't live in shelters? Tenghai thanked his elder brother and followed his wife back to the shelter to find the mayor. There is no public security bureau here, so Teng Hai really doesn't know who to go to.

How could the mayor be an ordinary survivor who could just meet him on sight? I've been so busy all day, how can I have time to receive you and listen to you?

Of course Teng Hai couldn't see the mayor, not even the big secretary.

After leaving the government affairs hall, I saw Father Wen helping people move things downstairs.

"Brother Wen." Teng Hai stretched out his hand to help.

"Dahai, where have you been?" Tenghai helped carry the things and followed Father Wen to the 8th floor.

"My family lives here too, this is the door." Teng Hai pointed to the opposite door.

"Are you my sister-in-law's neighbor?" Father Wen was really surprised.

I've been to Zhang Li's house several times and never met Teng Hai once. I heard it before and thought it was from another family named Teng.

"Ah, the surname of my house next door is Liu. It turns out to be Brother Wen's sister-in-law's house. I didn't know. If I had known it was the eldest sister's house, I would have asked my wife to come and chat with the eldest sister."

"I know this time. Come and sit down if you have nothing to do. My eldest sister is cheerful and kind-hearted. You can still take care of each other." Father Wen was chatting with Teng Hai at the top of the stairs.

"Well. Well, Brother Wen, I want to ask you for something." Teng Hai rubbed his hands nervously.

"My child was lost, not just mine, but many other families' children. I just went to the mayor and wanted to ask him to help find the children, but I didn't see anyone. Brother Wen, can you help? Help me? I, I really have no choice."

A man squatted at the entrance of the stairs, covering his eyes with his rough palms, crying with snot and tears.

Father Wen asked himself: What would happen to him if his daughter was lost? He's probably going crazy. I have to ask everyone who can trust me. At that time, he also hoped that someone could help him.

So Father Wen helped Tenghai up and said, "I'm going now. Don't cry yet. Wait for news from me at home."

Since he belongs to the Tenghai family, we can't just sit back and watch. This guy is not bad. If you can help, let's help him. How about fixing it? Look at such a big old man grinning and crying.

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