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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space > Chapter 11 Preparing Supplies 6

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Chapter 11 Preparing Supplies 6 (1/2)

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Money makes the world go round, this saying applies everywhere.

With Nuan Nuan's money-making ability and the help of the store owner, Nuan Nuan bought Shoumucang 54, 64, 77, 1911 on the same day. Two assault wooden warehouses 85 and p5, compound crossbow, some grenades and smoke grenades.

The hand wooden warehouse is cheap, ranging from 300 to 1,000, while the charge is more expensive, ranging from 5,000 to 8,000 beautiful coins. Each wooden handle of the bow only comes with ten rounds. If you want bullets, you have to buy them separately.

In the end, I bought ten of each of the four types of pistols, and five of each of the two types of assault rifles. Twenty compound crossbows, ten grenades, and five smoke grenades.

A bullet is equivalent to about 178 yuan, and Nuan Nuan bought 10,000 rounds of each of six types of bullets. Fifty thousand arrows.

Thirty-five thousand pistols, sixty-seven thousand charges, eighty thousand compound crossbows and arrows, one hundred and twenty thousand bullets, and eight thousand grenades and smoke grenades. A total of 310,000 nifty coins. There are about 2.4 million left in Wenwen.

The location of the transaction was decided by the other party, which was in the basement of a residential building.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, a few strong men carried the things from nowhere. Nuan Nuan touched each one and checked the quantity.

Well, it's true, as for the model, quality and bullets? Sorry, we don't know it either. As long as it's true and can shoot out bullets, that's fine.

Besides, weapons are only for self-defense, not for robbery, as long as they can be used!

Nuan Nuan gave the box containing cash to a black man.

He is tall and tall, making him look like a little chicken. The warmth doesn't show on the face, but I'm scared inside.

His hands are so big, and his whole body is full of tendons, and he has a fierce look on his face. One punch from him can probably send me home, right? Nuan Nuan felt like his legs had some thoughts.

After carrying the things and collecting the cash, they left.

Wen Nuan wiped the sweat from his forehead. I looked around and looked around the corners to see if there was any surveillance.

Anyway, I couldn't find the warmth. I put my hand into the box when it touched the box, then quickly patted my butt and left. It was so scary.

Passing the dark corner of the alley, Nuan Nuan entered the space in a flash.

Three men were following not far away from Wen Nuan. When they saw Wen Nuan walking into the darkness, they quickly chased after them and ran into the darkness to see if anyone was there.

Nuan Nuan didn't know she was being followed.

She was just thinking that they were not good people after buying so many things. What if they took away my goods? If it's more serious, just silence him. Not to mention robbing families and homes, but taking advantage of others is just a common occurrence for them.

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