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Chapter 59 Being Targeted (1/3)

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Wang Shuai knew that the Bengal tiger belonged to the girl named Wen. He heard from other people in the shelter that the conditions at home were very good.

If he can get this girl, does everything in her house belong to him? If tigers and dogs can be kept so fat and strong, there will definitely be no shortage of supplies.

No one knew what Wang Shuai was thinking. He glanced at the girl again, and then turned to his parents to discuss it to see if his approach was feasible.

Here, Nuan Nuan found two brothers. One person put a box of chocolates in his hand and said, "Big brother and second brother, eat. Only when you are full will you have the strength to continue working."

Before Liu Yi and Liu Jie could object, Nuan Nuan sat not far away and chatted with his two brothers. The two little ones were also digging around in the ruins. Xiaobai or Kio would come over from time to time for a snack.

"Sister, do you still remember me?" Nuan Nuan turned around and saw a five or six-year-old girl standing not far away talking to her.

"Your name is Nan Nan, right? I remember you. Where is your mother?"

"Mom is sick, can sister save her?" Nan Nan held her big head and looked at Nuan expectantly.

"Why don't you go to the hospital? My sister is not a doctor, so she can't treat your Nan Nan's mother." Wen Nuan walked up to Nan Nan and knelt down to look at her level.

"The hospital building collapsed. The uncles said that the medicine was also suppressed underneath and could not be taken out." The little head hung down.

"What's wrong with your mother? Sister, see if there's anything you can do?" Nuan Nuan touched Nannan's little head.

"Mom has a stomachache and feels uncomfortable."

"Sister, go see if there is a doctor nearby, and then treat your mother, okay?"

"Thank you, sister." Nan Nan whispered her thanks happily.

"Big brother and second brother, do you know any doctors?" Wen Nuan raised his head and asked Liu Yi and Liu Jie.

Liu Jie shyly pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "I know an old Chinese medicine doctor, is that okay?"

"Okay, why not? Traditional Chinese medicine is better. Let's go find a doctor." Wen Nuan took Nannan's little hand and put his scarf on her.

"Is this my sister's dog? It's so good-looking." Nannan looked at Xiaobai and Kio following Nuan Nuan, her eyes almost jumped out of her eyes as she wanted to touch a few words.

Chapter 59 Being Targeted (2/3)

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"Nan Nan, be good, you can't touch these two, sister is afraid they will bite you."

Kio doesn't like strangers getting close. Growing up, apart from warmth, only Wen Guoqiang and his wife could touch him. Even when he was sick as a child, when the pet doctor gave him an injection, he had to wear an Elizabethan ring, otherwise Kio would easily fall out.

Where is Xiaobai? In addition to the fact that warmth can snatch food from a tiger's mouth, even Wen Guoqiang and his wife cannot touch it all the time. It 'ha's' Wen Guoqiang and his wife, which means it is a bit impatient.

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