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Chapter 70 Rat Tide (1/3)

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"Ah... there are rats, please come quickly."

A warm, high-decibel voice penetrated the dark night, and it was this voice that first woke up Wen Guoqiang and his wife.

Xiaobai and Kio took advantage of the warmth and opened the gap in the curtain, rushed out in an instant, and rolled into a ball with a group of mice.

Now the vegetation has not grown very high, and there is no food. There was nothing to eat, and the mice were hungry. Seeing these two large animals, they dared to eat.

Several mice also climbed on Xiaobai and Kio's backs. It's just protected by fur, and if you bite the fur in your mouth, your teeth can't penetrate it. Even if they shake it from time to time, they won't be hurt much. It's just more serious on the limbs, where the hair is thin and easily bitten through.

Even though they were injured, they didn't stop, they were still biting and scratching with their claws. If you don't say that the dog is meddling with the mouse, Kio is as if he has been given blood when he sees the mouse, and he has a life-or-death attitude.

Father Wen and Mother Wen were sleeping. When they heard their daughter squealing, they got up quickly, opened the curtain of the tent and took a look, Oh my God, what is this? It's so densely packed.

Father Wen found a shovel in the tent, and Mother Wen took a crossbow. When they came out, they cleaned up the mice.

There are too many to kill them all. Rats scurry towards people with red eyes, and they are so fast that they might bite you somewhere.

"Mom and Dad, wrap up your down jacket and wear cotton shoes." Wen Nuan also held a composite crossbow in his hand, and hurried back to the tent to put on a cotton jacket, trousers and cotton shoes, and then came out with a shovel.

The crossbow is difficult to use and can be replaced with a shovel, and it can kill several with one shot.

The warm voice echoed in the shelter, waking up all the survivors nearby.

"Ah,,,,, my food, I will beat you to death. Come here quickly, there is a rat tide." An aunt took a kitchen knife and chopped up the rat.

"Oh, my mother, the food I worked so hard to grow is gone this time." Everyone was so lively with each other.

Teng Hai shouted in a loud voice: "Young and old men, what is this? This is all meat. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and catch it."

Everyone was stunned, right? How long have you not eaten meat? Every day I see the daughter of the Wen family wandering around the shelter with her two pets, but she has spoiled many survivors. Do you dare to kill her? I dare not, for fear of being bitten to death by a tiger.

If you can’t eat dog meat or tiger meat, can you also eat rat meat? Can this be let go?

Chapter 70 Rat Tide (2/3)

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A group of people came out, those who had buckets took buckets, and those who didn't got basins. They held sticks, sticks, and kitchen knives in their hands, and some even took off their shoes to shoot the mice.

There are too many rats, densely packed in one layer. The warmth is strange, how did they survive? It’s extremely hot and extremely cold, what do you eat? How can the family grow so big?

Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن