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Chapter 51 Brother Wen, I miss you (1/3)

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Next to the shelter, there are some igloos. One here, one there, quite scattered. The further you go, the more igloos there are.

When he saw the igloos built by the survivors, Mr. Wen sighed, "It's really amazing. He can even build other people's igloos."

Looking at the nearby igloos and survivors passing by from time to time, the couple felt a little more relaxed.

It's just that there are some sequelae.

No one looks like a good person, and he doesn't dare to let others get close to him.

Even though I had already arrived at the shelter, I was still worried about it and a little nervous. They were afraid that a few people would suddenly pop out from nowhere and come to snatch them.

Father Wen did not dare to let his daughter-in-law go find her eldest sister alone, so he sent his daughter-in-law to Zhang Li's house first, and then he went to find the eldest sister himself.

Today's chief secretary is also squatting in the office warming himself by the fire.

The door was opened by someone outside.

The secretary saw a man wearing a long black down jacket, a mask and a hat, goggles in one hand, and two bags of quick-frozen dumplings, four boxes of canned meat, two boxes of chocolates, and other items in the other hand. There are 5 large potatoes grown in our own space, packed together in plastic bags.

Isn't this the brother Wen he hopes for from the stars and the moon? The big secretary immediately stood up and greeted Father Wen: "Brother Wen, why are you here?"

Father Wen looked at the big secretary like a beggar, and said, "You are not an ordinary survivor. You are still working for the mayor. I haven't seen you for a while. How did you do this?" As he said this, he handed the bag in his hand to the big secretary. .

The big secretary took it unceremoniously, pulled the chocolate out of the bag, opened the wrapping paper and stuffed it into his mouth, saying, "Brother Wen is still thinking about me. My God, the chocolate is so delicious."

After eating three pieces in a row, he stopped and said, "No secretary can survive a natural disaster. There are not many down jackets in the shelter, and I don't have any to change, so I keep wearing them."

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, Brother Wen, Colonel Cheng asked you to take the time to find him. He seems to have something to ask you." Gao Da Mi almost forgot about the business. The main reason is that the interval is a bit long.

"Okay, I understand. I'll be there soon." Father Wen guessed that his subordinates should have reported to Cheng Xiyan about Xiaobai. My daughter told him last time.

The two chatted for a while, and then the secretary took Wen Guoqiang to the office on the fifth floor.

"Knock, knock, knock," the secretary knocked on the door and waited for the person inside to answer. "Enter."

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Chapter 51 Brother Wen, I miss you (2/3)

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