Nuan Nuan discussed with Father Wen to sort out all the cattle and horses in the space, but Father Wen disagreed.

What are the beasts of space? Those are rare resources in the future. I would rather throw away the container than let anything happen to the cows and horses.

Just walking and stopping all the way, I didn't see any major roads for half a month.

This day a group of people sat together to have lunch and take a break.

Xiao Hei was lying next to Wen Nuan. He suddenly raised his head and moved his ears. Then he went over there quietly in a standard hunting posture. You couldn't even hear his footsteps.

Wen Nuan was also curious about what kind of prey it was, so he followed Xiao Hei secretly.

There are a dozen wild horses grazing in the forest.

When Nuan Nuan saw it, the cola was broken, and he reached out and patted Xiao Hei, "Xiao Hei, don't move, our coolie is here."

Wen Nuan pulled Xiao Hei's neck and walked back. He told Father Wen and Cheng Xiyan what he saw.

"I heard that these wild horses have a leading horse. As long as the leading horse is tamed, the other horses will follow faithfully." Father Wen also heard what others said, but he didn't know how to tame a horse.

Cheng Xiyan: "I know a little bit, I'll give it a try later."

Nuan Nuan warned him, "Then be careful. It's better if you can tame them. It doesn't matter if you can't. Safety first."


Cheng Xiyan was wearing black short-sleeved shirts, black combat pants, and military boots. He took the horse's rope in his hand and went.

There were forests all around and there were trees blocking the way, so Cheng Xiyan managed to get close to the black horse relatively smoothly.

He observed carefully for a while and felt that the leading horse was the black horse near the trees to the south. He looked very young and strong, and his four hooves were white, which was very nice.

The other horses were grazing with their heads down. It is the only one that looks around, then lowers its head to eat for a while, and then looks around again, quite alert.

Cheng Xiyan bent over and quietly and slowly approached it, covering himself with bushes and breathing softly and at a low frequency.

Arrange the rope in your hand, then find a good angle, and when the black horse raises its head to be wary of the surroundings, throw it into its neck.

Cheng Xiyan took a two-step approach, and with the help of the trunk of the trees around him and the strength of the horse's neck, he kicked on the tree trunk and climbed onto the horse's back.

Chapter 95 Horse Training (3/3)

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Suddenly a person appeared, and the other wild horses lost their hair, spread their hooves and ran away.

The black horse is the leading horse and has a fierce temper. How could humans be allowed to tame it?

It takes two steps and then kicks. It takes two steps and then kicks, trying to throw the person off its back.

Cheng Xiyan firmly grasped the horse's mane and tried his best to follow its movements.

The calves clamped the horse's belly, and no matter how hard the black horse tried to shake it, it just couldn't shake it off. At this time, it stopped kicking and started running at full speed.

The branches of the forest trees hit Cheng Xiyan, and he leaned forward and lay on the horse.

The man and the horse disappeared within a short time.

For half an hour, Cheng Xiyan still hadn't come back. Wen Nuan was a little restless and paced back and forth.

If the horse is gone, it's gone, as long as nothing happens to the people. The wild horses are different from those raised by me. They have a wild temperament.

An hour later, just when Wen Nuan was about to go out to look for him, in the distance of the forest, a man rode a black horse and slowly ran towards this side, followed by a dozen wild horses.

The warm heart suddenly fell to the ground, and he ran towards Cheng Xiyan.

Cheng Xiyan got off his horse, hugged Wen Nuan, and kissed the top of her head, "I'm fine, don't worry."

The black horse sneezed loudly and glanced sideways at Wen Nuan, "Man, is this your female?" So weak? '

Wen Nuan was originally happy that Cheng Xiyan was okay, but he accidentally looked up and saw the dark horse rolling its eyes at him, "Cheng Xiyan, I saw it. It rolled its eyes at me just now. What did it mean?"

Xiao Hei also looked down on Wen Nuan in various ways at first, and now it is Dark Horse's turn to look down on her again. What's going on? Don't you despise her, are they making trouble?

Cheng Xiyan smiled, stretched out his hand to hold her little hand and walked back, "It looks straight because you look good, so Nuannuan saw it wrong just now. Let's go, let's go back?"

The black horse followed Cheng Xiyan without being held by anyone, and behind the black horse were followed by a dozen wild horses.

Now that the coolies were there, it was time to equip them with saddles and reins, so everyone rested where they were.

Facing such a large group of wild horses, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were eager to hunt for Wen Nuan.

Wen Nuan was so frightened that he hurriedly grabbed the backs of their necks, "This is the main force of our work, so you can't bite it. Do you know that?"

The wild horse here saw that the tiger was also hairy, and its four hooves moved back and forth uneasily. Cheng Xiyan also hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him.

Nuan Nuan pulled them and Kio to stay far away from the wild horses. Let's just do this for now. It will take some time to get used to it.

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