I am my fathers daughter.

Start from the beginning

I tried to get out of the bed but I was hurting. Everything hurt. It felt like I was hit by a car. I looked down at my legs. There were marks on them. "What the fuck!" I said loud. These were also not my clothes, They looked like Debs.

I limped downstairs. That lady, Debbie, Carl Liam, Ian, Frank and Chucky were at the table. "Holy fuck what happened to you?" Ian questioned and slapped his arm. "That's mean! How are you Tess?" Debs asked. I just looked around and shrugged. How was I supposed to be when I woke up after a traumatic night that I couldn't even remember half of?

"I do not even know" I told her. "Do you want some breakfast before school Tessa?" Frank asked politely. "School?" I questioned. "Oh fuck!" I yelled and limped fast to the door. I had 30 minutes to get ready before I had to start leaving. I walked in and it was quite. I took my shoes off at the door. "Hello" I called out. No response. "hello?" I said again. I finally heard some foot steps.

Larry came downstairs. "Hey Tessa" he said. "Hey Larry, Where is everyone?" I questioned. "Oh uh they had to handle something at moms work. They needed muscles" he explained. "Oh does that means I can miss school and help?" I tried to bribe my way. He rubbed my head. "No kid you need to get your education. There is pancakes on the stove, I love you and I will see you later" He speeched. "I love you bye!" I said.

I went to the shower. I let the hot water run over me. Part of me wishes I had full memory of last night but part of me is glad I do not remember more than what I do. I threw on a big hoodie and sweat pants. I had slippers on.

I walked out the house with no destination in my mind and then I seen carl walking out Kev and vs house. There was something red on his forehead. "What happened to you?" I asked him. He looked around. He grabbed my hand and lead me to my house.

We sat on my couch. "I am going to be honest but don't be mad" "Carl I-" "Promise you will not flip shit" "I promise" I hesitated. He took a deep breath. He has me worried. "I got back in the game, I did something and now they are mad with me and this dude pistol whipped me" he explained. I got so angry. I know about being in the game. I know all about it. I grew up with it. I am mad at the guy who whipped him. I wanted to flip on him for keeping it a secret. I said I wouldn't though.

"Are you disappointed?" He questioned. "You know I always got your back no matter what." "I know" "Just do not keep me in the dark anymore" "I wont". He sounded sincere, There is just no telling with Carl. "Thank you" I told him. "For what?" he asked. "Coming to get me" I answered.

"Always Tess, You know I am here for you. By the way he probably will not be around much longer" He spoke. I nodded my head no "I can handle it" "You shouldn't have to Tess. What he did was sick and cruel and you never should do it to someone" He said with such sickness. "I know Carl but I hardly remember anything and what if I did something? What if it was my fault Carl?" I questioned. I feel the anxiety start racing. what if I tried to lead him on or something?

Carl gently grabbed my face. "I know you Tessa. You wouldn't text me your location if you felt safe. You wouldn't leave his house after if you wanted it. So please do not try to blame yourself for something like that" He explained. I had a few tears slip. I looked at the cut on his head.

"Does it hurt?" I questioned. "It's gotten numb now" He answered. "I am still sorry" I said. He smiled. "Let's go to school" he said as he stood up. I nodded and walked with him to school.

It was long and boring. Jj was not here today and I was beyond happy. I sat where nic would sit next to carl and there was no carl either. At lunch there was no Debbie. I turned in our project and told the teacher he is not my partner anymore. I went home and still no one was home. What the hell. My mom did not answer my text so I texted Larry and asked if everything was okay. He texted me back and said he will tell me when he gets home. so, for now I went to the Gallaghers. No one was here either. Where is everyone?

selling and telling (Carl Gallagher fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now