Bloody Bike

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" Nic Tessa come here let me get a picture" my mom said. we went over there and me carl and Nic got a picture. then me and all my siblings.

" Thank you guys all so much for coming" Debbie said. "Bathroom?" Nic asked. and the lady pointed. me and carl both watched as he walked away. we looked at each other in confusion.

" so as you guys know I kind of wanted to keep the gender of my baby a surprise, but erica here has been like a mother to me, she told me to throw this party and include everyone so that's what I did" Debbie said.

Erica's phone starts to ring and she said she has to take it is her doctor. I'm just there standing and then I hear a car and carl runs to the front door. "fuck Tessa come on" carl yelled. "what" I say out loud and go and run after him.

I catch up easy and he asked me " what did Nic say to you" while trying to keep his breath. "just to be there for you and that I have a good heart" I tell him while trying not to have a heart attack. good thing I used to do track. we ran past two skateboards and he threw some money at the man. "Grab one" he told me, so I did.

also, good thing I know how to skateboard.

I just follow carl. we get to this house, and he gets off his skateboard so I follow.

there is nic.

with his head in his hands looking at a bike.

I hear a women screaming so loud in this house

" yo yo what did you do" carl asked nic. I had a terrible feeling in my stomach. 

"MY BABY" the women screams. I get next to carl, and I see a bloody hammer and then it clicks. nic did something really bad. I feel my eyes get glossy and my stomach drops. "oh God" I say quietly. I hear the lady sobbing. I started shaking. 

I ran up the steps and peaked in the house. The women was holding her bloody boy. "Oh fuck" I said as my heart sank. Carl pushed me over as he leaned over and threw up. I have tears pouring out my eyes. Thats just a little kid in there and he is... He has guts pouring everywhere.  I back up and I start to cry silently. I hear carl throw up." I called the cops you both better split" Nic told us.

I just stood there looking at him and trying to keep my heart in my chest. "wh why?" carl questioned. He just looked at him. then we heard the cops pulling up.

carl grabbed my hand and dragged me through the yards and he stopped for a second and turned back around and there they were. the cops were holding there guns up. he takes my hand again and we run again. 

I just couldn't wrap my head around all this. I couldn't get that boys face out of my head either. 

We made it to my house I go and fall on my front steps and carl does the same. I just can't get that little kids body out my brain. I can't even began on how his mom feels.

I just start sobbing. I don't care. I can't hold it in anymore. I wrap it up fast when carl starts talking. " uh If I uh knew that happened I would have never asked you to come" he told me. I just look at him and he had tears all over his face. I wrap my arms around him because I can tell he was hurt way more than I was. That was his best friend who killed the little boy. I knew Nic yeah but he was not my best friend and to have to see that has to hurt so bad.

he wraps his arms around me and we stay like that for god knows how long. I hear my front door open. " Tessa , carl what's wrong?" Larry asked? we pull apart. " We need to go find Fiona" carl says. I nod yes "don't wait up" I tell Larry. that tells him I most likely won't be home tonight.

we walk instead of running. we go to Sean place. we go and knock on his door. " Hey what's up" he said. "uh is Fiona here" " not yet .. you okay yall need anything are yall hungry?" " can we.. can we stay here tonight?" uh uh sure yall can have wills space" Sean said. I gave him a little nod. 

selling and telling (Carl Gallagher fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant