"It's hot on the ground. Kio, Xiaobai, will my sister take you two out for a walk? It will get colder in the next few days, and my sister probably won't want to go out anymore."

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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space > Chapter 45 Chance Encounter

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Chapter 45 Chance Encounter (2/3)

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Kio and Xiaobai sat up suddenly when they heard the word "嘘瘘". Shaking my head, I wanted to go out and play.

"Daughter, wait, I'll go with you." Father Wen got up and went to wipe his hands and accompany his child out.

"No, Dad. I can just go by myself. You can make dumplings with my mother at home. Besides, it's such a cold day, and the robbers are too lazy to go out. I still have a gun in my pocket, who can rob me?"

Thermal clothing, thermal socks, fleece pants, down pants, cotton pants, and then a down jacket, ear protection bag, knitted hat, cotton mask, goggles, and finally snow boots.

The freshly baked bear set off with two little ones.

The way to the Wetland Park is not particularly difficult. The snow on the road has been smoothed out by people walking, but the further we walk towards the park, the more desolate it becomes. Where can anyone still walk?

It hasn't snowed for ten days, and the temperature has dropped rapidly. The snow has not melted, but is frozen. The RV won't collapse when running on it.

Parking the car in the park for a while, Nuan Nuan let them play.

She also got out of the car. The snow here was clean. Wen Nuan planned to go further and collect more for later use.

After taking a look and seeing no one around, he took out the electric saw from the space, cut the snow into square pieces, piled them into the open space of the space warehouse, and piled them high.

Kio and Xiaobai had finished lunch and went out to play again. Nuan Nuan was still working stupidly. She was almost exhausted after taking a break.

Yi p~ Yueshu was sitting on the snow to rest. Kio ran away and Xiaobai rolled next to her.

The other end of the park.

Cheng Xiyan and his right and left hands, brothers Mo Fang and Mo Yuan, would occasionally come out for a walk.

The last cannibalism incident gave him a big psychological shadow, so he went out for a walk when he had nothing to do.

It was also his first time to go this far.

The Wetland Park is too empty and there is little possibility of hiding people. He thought that if he just turned around, he would never come back again.

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